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H H S Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Health Information Technology and Quality

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Introduction to Rural Health

This module provides an introduction to health IT adoption in rural settings, including Federal Government initiatives to support rural health providers.

How is rural defined?

What is rural health?

What are the issues that are unique to rural health and health IT?

What is HRSA's vision for health IT for rural providers?

What other Federal initiatives are underway to support health IT in rural areas?

What are critical access hospitals (CAH)?

What is the FLEX Program?

What are rural health clinics (RHCs)?

What are Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs)?

How can this toolbox help?

Developed by the Health Resources and Services Administration as a resource for health centers and other safety net and ambulatory care providers who are seeking to implement health IT.
Health Information Technology Toolboxes help health centers, safety net providers, and ambulatory care providers with electronic and online resources and technical assistance to improve patient care.  More>
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