Volcano Update from Archive

Sunday, September 30, 2007 08:51 HST (Sunday, September 30, 2007 18:51 UTC)

19.43°N 155.29°W, Summit Elevation 4009 ft (1222 m)
Volcano Alert Level: WATCH
Aviation Color Code: ORANGE

Report prepared by the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO):

Activity Summary: The 7/21 eruption continued to supply an open lava channel that directly or indirectly fed three `a`a flows - a line of small flows to the north fed by channel seeps, an `a`a flow that is fanning out on several fronts to the east and south, and a slow `a`a flow advancing along the southern margin of previous flows.

Hazard Summary: There are no immediate threats directly from lava flows. A publication detailing the current and future hazards posed by this eruption is available at http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2007/1264/.

Vent areas and lava channels are hazardous and conditions can change rapidly. Access to the 7/21 eruption site in the Kahauale`a Natural Area Reserve is closed (see http://www.state.hi.us/dlnr/chair/pio/HtmlNR/07-N076.htm). Lava flows advancing through vegetation are hazardous and can produce fire and methane explosions that propel chunks of lava and rock several feet into the air.

Last 24 hours at 7/21 eruption site: The perched channel was still going strong feeding the lower channel that was overflowing and starting to perch. This morning's overflight found lava flow activity in three areas - the `a`a flow fed directly from the perched and lower channel is advancing toward the east and into a small patch of forest and along the southern margin of earlier flows. The latter front has become intermingled with the `a`a flow plodding along that same margin from a seep on the south side of the channel. In addition, several short flows fed by seeps on the north side of the channel are barely active. The overflight provided much needed information because the webcam has been blocked by rain and fog since 10 am yesterday.

Last 24 hours at Pu`u `O`o crater: Nothing was viewable in the crater since 10 am yesterday. The tiltmeter on the north flank of Pu`u `O`o didn't record much more than signals related to rainfall. Seismic tremor levels continued at low values.

Last 24 hours at Kilauea summit: Kilauea's summit tiltmeter network recorded slow deflation. Since 7/21, the GPS receiver network showed continued extension across the caldera consistent with deflation. Seismic tremor levels continued at low values. A few small earthquakes were scattered around the volcano.

Maps, photos, webcam views, and other information about Kilauea Volcano are available at http://volcano.wr.usgs.gov/hvostatus.php. A daily update summary is available by phone at (808) 967-8862.

Earthquakes located within the past two weeks can be found at http://tux.wr.usgs.gov/

A definition of alert levels can be found at http://volcanoes.usgs.gov/2006/warnschemes.html