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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
Sustainability for Community Quality Collaboratives

Appendix D: Sustainability Planning Prework Checklist


To get started in your sustainability planning, gather and organize relevant information about the current state and recent history of the collaborative.

This information will provide the facilitator with an up-to-date view of the current state. You should also consider how recently the participants in your planning process, such as a steering group, working committee, or your board, have reviewed this information. If it has been more than a few months, you may want to begin by refreshing and level-setting all participants' understanding of the current state.

ID Item
  1 Strategic plan, including goals and objectives*
  2 Financial plan, including budget, sources of funds, and future financial forecasts*
  3 Structure of contracts, dues, fees, and other sources of income*
  4 Summary of accomplishments*
  5 Annual report*
  6 Tools used for measuring performance, such as dashboards, scorecards, evaluation of objectives *
  7 Market or stakeholder research, if available, such as opinion surveys, evaluations of products or events, etc. *
  8 Summary description of each program *
  9 Governance structure, including staff and board/committee organizations *
  10 List of board members and other key stakeholders, with roles, organizations, and titles
  11 Community Quality Collaborative application; other applications and/or reports, such as funding applications and evaluations
  12 Major deliverables: Actual products, sample views, and/or links
  13 Recent board meeting minutes or notes
  14 Strategic or sustainability planning session minutes or notes
  15 Prior consulting recommendations, if any
  16 Financial history and trends: such as IRS 990 reports for prior years, back to 2000 if available
  17 Recent grant proposals
  18 Other relevant information, such as strategic planning and financial information; and information about programs, stakeholders, or deliverables

* Indicates priority items.

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