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On October 25, 1996, MSHA issued a final rule which establishes new requirements for the approval of diesel engines and other components used in underground coal mines; requirements for monitoring of gaseous diesel exhaust emissions by coal mine operators; and safety standards for the use of diesel-powered equipment in underground coal mines. The final rule is derived in part from existing MSHA regulations, and provides protection against explosion, fire, and other safety and health hazards related to the use of diesel-powered equipment in underground coal mines. The final rule also amends certain equipment safety standards in part 75 previously applicable only to electric-powered equipment to apply to diesel- powered equipment. The new standards are consistent with advances in mining technology, address hazards not covered by existing standards, and impose minimal additional paperwork requirements.

This regulation is effective April 25, 1997, except for subparts E and F of part 7, the removal of part 31, the amendments to part 36, and Sec. 75.1907 which are effective November 25, 1996. Incorporations by reference were approved by the Director of the Federal Register as of April 25, 1997.

30 CFR
Part Affected Title
7 Subpart E Subpart E --Diesel Engines Intended for Use in Underground Coal Mines
7 Subpart F Diesel Power Packages Intended for Use in Areas of Underground Coal Mines Where Permissible Electric Equipment Is Required
31 (Removed) Diesel Mine Locomotives
32 (Removed) Mobile Diesel-Powered Equipment For Noncoal Mines
36 (Amended) Approval Requirements For Permissible Mobile Diesel-powered Transportation Equipment
70 Subpart T Diesel Exhaust Gas Monitoring
75 Subpart T Diesel-Powered Equipment

Part Section Affected
(Link to30 CFR)
(Subject Matter)
Information Provided


325 (f) and (g)
Air Quality.
( (f) The minimum ventilating air quantity for an individual unit of diesel-powered equipment))
( (g) The minimum ventilating air quantity where multiple units of diesel-powered equipment are operated on working sections and in areas where mechanized mining equipment is being installed or removed)
Revised ventilating air quantities for permissible diesel engines.
75 1901(a) Diesel fuel requirements.
(Specifications for diesel fuel)
75 1901(c) Diesel fuel requirements.
(Diesel Fuel Additives)
EPA registered diesel fuel additives.
75 1907(b)(2) , (b)(3) Diesel-powered equipment used in underground coal mines.
( Permissible diesel-powered equipment manufactured before November 25, 1999)
Upgraded Part 36 Approved Permissible Diesel-powered Equipment.
75 1907(b)(5) Diesel-powered equipment intended for use in underground coal mines.
(Permissible diesel-powered equipment manufactured on or after November 25, 1999)
Approved power packages for permissible equipment.

36C Approved
Permissible Diesel-Powered Equipment
75 1909(a) (a)(1) An engine approved under subpart E of part 7...
(Non-permissible diesel engines)
See Compliance Guide II
Non-permissible diesel engines

Checklist for Non-Permissible Equipment
75 1910 (a), (b), (e), (f) Electrical Protection of Starting Circuits on Diesel Engines Test procedure and criteria to select overcurrent protective devices

Fuses That Provide Protection in Compliance With § 75.1910(a), (b), (e), and (f)
75 1912 Fire suppression systems for permanent underground diesel fuel storage facilities.
(Fire suppression systems)
List of manufacturers who produce automatic fire suppression systems that can be used in permanent underground diesel fuel storage facilities.
75 1914(f)(1) (f)(1) Examination and tests shall be conducted in accordance with approved checklists...
(Examination of diesel-powered equipment)
Available permissibility checklists.

Generic weekly inspection checklist.
75 1914(g) (g) Undiluted exhaust emissions of diesel engines in diesel-powered equipment . . .shall be tested and evaluated weekly . . .
(Availability of an explosion-proof sampling port)
Availability of technical report "An Emissions Assisted Maintenance Procedure".

Description of an explosion-proof sampling port that can be installed on all permissible equipment.

Torque Stall
Engine Specific CO Data:
A training video can be obtained by contacting Bob Setren at 304-547-2070

Best Practices guidance
is also available for machines