
Capito Responds To Latest Jobs Numbers Released By Department Of Labor


“For the first time in 43 months the national unemployment rate has dropped below 8%.  Make no mistake, this is very welcomed news.  Americans have been severely suffering under a stagnant economy for three and a half years, and many have stopped looking for work all together.  Middle class income has fallen by over $4,000, the number of Americans on food stamps is up 41% and our federal debt has topped $16 trillion.  Vice President Joe Biden was right when he said the middle class has been “buried” for the last four years.

“When legislators return to Washington to address the looming “fiscal cliff,” we must make the right choice to avoid severe mandatory cuts, known as “sequestration,” while enacting real tax reform without raising taxes on job creators.  The only way to make a sufficient dent in unemployment is by alleviating uncertainty and empowering small businesses to start hiring again.”