SSI Recipients by State and County, 2009


South Dakota

Table 3. Number of recipients in state (by eligibility category, age, and receipt of OASDI benefits) and amount of payments, by county, December 2009
County ANSI Code Total Category Age SSI
Amount of
of dollars) a
Aged Blind and
Under 18 18–64 65 or older
Total, South Dakota 46 13,531 1,524 12,007 2,347 8,180 3,004 5,189 6,391
Aurora 46003 33 19 14 b b 21 16 12
Beadle 46005 368 47 321 51 233 84 168 164
Bennett 46007 161 b b 27 105 29 45 79
Bon Homme 46009 73 12 61 10 42 21 31 31
Brookings 46011 205 12 193 30 145 30 88 93
Brown 46013 515 47 468 94 326 95 228 233
Brule 46015 75 b b 16 48 11 41 30
Buffalo 46017 111 b b 29 57 25 36 57
Butte 46019 178 17 161 23 126 29 83 86
Campbell 46021 15 b b 0 b b 11 4
Charles Mix 46023 247 47 200 30 132 85 92 104
Clark 46025 69 27 42 b b 34 23 31
Clay 46027 135 b b 20 88 27 68 49
Codington 46029 338 27 311 53 223 62 182 148
Corson 46031 206 26 180 49 105 52 51 115
Custer 46033 121 b b 14 81 26 53 65
Davison 46035 372 38 334 52 235 85 203 153
Day 46037 100 22 78 20 41 39 44 41
Deuel 46039 44 b b 10 24 10 22 17
Dewey 46041 383 28 355 90 212 81 108 235
Douglas 46043 45 15 30 b 20 b 23 17
Edmunds 46045 38 20 18 b b 22 10 14
Fall River 46047 172 17 155 24 100 48 81 77
Faulk 46049 54 30 24 b b 33 11 20
Grant 46051 75 19 56 b 45 b 35 30
Gregory 46053 104 19 85 18 49 37 49 51
Haakon 46055 15 0 15 b b b b 6
Hamlin 46057 52 16 36 13 20 19 16 22
Hand 46059 47 23 24 b b 26 17 18
Hanson 46061 62 40 22 b b 45 12 23
Harding 46063 b b b b b b b b
Hughes 46065 255 18 237 59 164 32 88 116
Hutchinson 46067 123 49 74 12 48 63 51 41
Hyde 46069 18 b b b b b 13 7
Jackson 46071 130 b b 24 79 27 27 71
Jerauld 46073 42 18 24 b b 20 b 18
Jones 46075 b b b b b b b b
Kingsbury 46077 58 15 43 b 30 b 23 23
Lake 46079 127 19 108 10 85 32 65 51
Lawrence 46081 297 24 273 26 215 56 149 123
Lincoln 46083 163 18 145 35 88 40 57 76
Lyman 46085 84 10 74 23 38 23 34 43
McCook 46087 52 18 34 b b 24 21 19
McPherson 46089 64 36 28 b b 46 25 21
Marshall 46091 71 27 44 b b 36 22 29
Meade 46093 322 31 291 56 210 56 131 150
Mellette 46095 118 b b b 68 b 35 54
Miner 46097 35 b b b 17 b 16 14
Minnehaha 46099 2,303 198 2,105 430 1,500 373 842 1,138
Moody 46101 49 14 35 b 23 b 22 22
Pennington 46103 1,805 89 1,716 310 1,249 246 698 878
Perkins 46105 60 b b b 34 b 36 21
Potter 46107 19 b b b b b b 10
Roberts 46109 248 58 190 37 125 86 110 115
Sanborn 46111 26 11 15 b b 13 17 22
Shannon 46113 1,027 48 979 244 594 189 239 573
Spink 46115 181 52 129 27 87 67 48 44
Stanley 46117 36 b b b 21 b 16 15
Sully 46119 b b b b b b b b
Todd 46121 524 30 494 123 278 123 149 302
Tripp 46123 138 21 117 17 86 35 69 54
Turner 46125 80 b b 12 48 20 38 29
Union 46127 78 12 66 10 48 20 36 31
Walworth 46129 136 12 124 13 88 35 50 54
Yankton 46135 342 35 307 46 240 56 160 147
Ziebach 46137 85 b b 21 42 22 23 48
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Supplemental Security Record (Characteristic Extract Record format), 100  percent data.
a. The state payment total does not equal the sum of the rounded county totals.
b. Data not shown to avoid disclosure of information for particular individuals.
CONTACT: Stella Coleman (410) 965-0157 or