Travels of President Barack Obama

Country Locale Remarks Date
Canada Ottawa Met with Prime Minister Harper. February 19, 2009
United Kingdom London Met with Queen Elizabeth II and Prime Minister Brown. Attended the G-20 Economic Summit Meeting. March 31-​April 3, 2009
France Strasbourg Attended the NATO Summit Meeting. April 3-​4, 2009
Germany Baden-Baden, Kehl Attended a working dinner for NATO leaders. April 3-​4, 2009
Czech Republic Prague Attended U.S.-European Union Summit meeting. April 4-​5, 2009
Turkey Ankara, Istanbul Met with President Gul and Prime Minister Erdogan; addressed the Grand National Assembly. April 5-​7, 2009
Iraq Baghdad Met with President Talabani and U.S. military personnel. April 7, 2009
Mexico Mexico City Met with President Calderon. April 16-​17, 2009
Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain Attended the Summit of the Americas. April 17-​19, 2009
Saudi Arabia Riyadh Met with King Abdullah June 3-​4, 2009
Egypt Cairo Met with President Mubarak and delivered and address at Cairo University. June 4, 2009
Germany Dresden, Weimar, Landstuhl Met with Chancellor Merkel, visited the Buchenwald concentration camp and visited wounded U.S. military personnel. June 4-​5, 2009
France Paris, Caen Met with President Sarkozy and dedicated the new visitor center at the U.S. Military Cemetery in Normandy. June 5-​7, 2009
Russia Moscow Met with President Medvedev and Prime Minister Putin. July 6-​8, 2009
Italy Rome, L’Aquila Attended the G-8 Summit Meeting. Also met with the leaders of Angola, Algeria, Australia, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Mexico, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, and various international organizations. July 8-​10, 2009
Vatican City Audience with Pope Benedict XVI. July 10, 2009
Ghana Accra, Cape Coast Met with President Mills and addressed Parliament. July 10-​11, 2009
Mexico Guadalajara Attended the North American Leaders’ Summit. August 9-​10, 2009
Denmark Copenhagen Addressed a session of the International Olympic Committee and met with Prime Minister Rasmussen. October 2, 2009
Japan Tokyo Met with Emperor Akihito and Prime Minister Hatoyama. November 13-​14, 2009
Singapore Singapore Attended the APEC Leaders’ Meeting. November 14-​15, 2009
People's Republic of China Shanghai, Beijing Met with President Hu, National People’s Congress Chairman Wu, and Premier Wen. Visited the Great Wall. November 15-​18, 2009
Korea, Republic of Osan, Seoul Met with President Lee. November 18-​19, 2009
Norway Oslo Met with King Harald V and Queen Sonja. Received the Nobel Peace Prize. December 10-​11, 2009
Denmark Copenhagen Attended the UN Climate Change Conference. December 18, 2009
Afghanistan Kabul, Bagram Met with President Karzai and addressed U.S. military personnel. March 28, 2010
Czech Republic Prague Signed Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty with Russia. Also met with the Presidents of the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, and Romania; and with the Prime Ministers of Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, and Slovenia. April 8-​9, 2010
France Deauville, Paris Attended the G-8 Economic Summit. May 26-​27, 2010
Canada Muskoka, Toronto Attended the G-8 and G-20 Economic Summit Meetings. June 25-​27, 2010
India Mubai, New Delhi Attended U.S.-India Business and Entrepreneurship Summit in Mumbai. Met with Prime Minister Singh and President Patil. Addressed the Indian Parliament. November 6-​9, 2010
Indonesia Jakarta Met with President Yudhoyono. November 9-​10, 2010
Korea, Republic of Seoul Met with President Lee; attended the G-20 Summit Meeting. November 10-​12, 2010
Japan Yokohama, Kamakura Attended the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation’s CEO Summit Meetings. November 12-​14, 2010
Portugal Lisbon Attended the NATO and U.S.-European Union Summit Meetings. November 19-​20, 2010
Afghanistan Bagram Met with the leaders of the U.S. military and diplomatic missions and visited U.S. military personnel. December 3, 2010
Brazil Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro Met with President Roussef. March 19-​21, 2011
Chile Santiago Met with President Pinera. March 21-​22, 2011
El Salvador San Salvador Met with President Funes. March 22-​23, 2011
Ireland Dublin, Farmleigh, Moneygall Met with President McAleese and Prime Minister Kenny. Visited ancestral home. May 23, 2011
United Kingdom London Met with Queen Elizabeth II, Prime Minister Cameron, and Labour Party leader Miliband. May 23-​26, 2011
Poland Warsaw Met with President Komorowski and Prime Minister Tusk. May 27-​28, 2011
France Cannes Attended the G-20 Summit Meeting. November 3-​4, 2011
Australia Canberra, Darwin Met with Prime Minister Gillard. Announced a new military cooperation agreement. November 16-​17, 2011
Indonesia Bali Attended the ASEAN and East Asia Summit Meetings. November 17-​20, 2011