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Photon Sciences Directorate at Brookhaven National Laboratory

NSLS-II Construction Milestones

1. Construction Milestones Pic 1
2. Construction Milestones Pic 2
3. Construction Milestones Pic 3
4. Construction Milestones Pic 4
5. Construction Milestones Pic 5

November 2008 Site prep work begins for ring building

January 2009 DOE approves construction start

February 2009 Torcon selected as general contractor for ring building

February 2009 New York State announces allocation of low-cost electricity to support construction

March 2009 DOE allocates $184.3 million from Recovery Act to Brookhaven Lab, principally to accelerate construction

June 2009 Formal groundbreaking ceremony to mark construction start Photo 1

July 2009 First concrete poured for ring building Photo 2

September 2009 First eight pieces of structural steel installed as part of utility and vehicle tunnels under ring building Photo 3

October 2009 Cut and fill operations for ring building ends, ensuring stable foundation

November 2009 First high-density concrete poured for shielding

December 2009 Proposals solicited for design package for lab-office buildings

February 2010 First structural steel erected for aboveground portion of ring building; continuous steel erection begins

March 2010 First steel arrives for ring building Photo 4

August 2010 E.W. Howell selected as general contractor for lab-office buildings attached to ring building Photo 5