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Photon Sciences Directorate at Brookhaven National Laboratory

FY10 Beamline Guide

beamline status chart

Click on the image to download a high-resolution version.Beamline Status

In 2010, 49 X-Ray and 11 Vacuum Ultraviolet-Infrared operational beamlines were available for a wide range of experiments using a variety of techniques.

There are two types of beamlines at NSLS: facility beamlines, of which there were 21; and participating research team (PRT) beamlines, of which there were 39. Facility beamlines are operated by Photon Sciences staff members and reserve a minimum of 50 percent of their beam time for general users. PRT beamlines are run by user groups with similar interests and reserve 25 percent of their beam time for general users, although they can grant additional time at their own discretion.

The following pages provide details on NSLS operational beamlines, including their unique characteristics.

Beamline Guide Abbreviations

beamline guide abbreviations

VUV-IR Beamlines

vuv-ir beamlines

X-Ray Beamlines

x-ray beamlines


x-ray beamlines


x-ray beamlines


x-ray beamlines