U.S. Department of Justice

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Treatment4Addiction.com: Online Recovery Resource Directory
Treatment4 Addiction.com (N.P.).
“Treatment4Addiction.com (T4A) is a comprehensive information resource regarding addiction treatment and mental health.” Points of access to this website are: Sober Search—“an in-depth directory of addiction treatment centers, detox centers, and interventionists” by state; drug guide; articles and video; Doctors Opinion; blog; rehab; treatment; addiction; disorders; and recovery.... Read More
2 pages
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NPC Research Materials
NPC Research (Portland, OR).
“NPC Research provides quality social services evaluation, policy analysis, research, and training.” This website provides information, reports, and evaluations pertaining to a wide range of project areas. Specialty Areas include child abuse and its prevention, community health, criminal justice, drug treatment courts and other problem-solving courts, early childhood and family well-being, juvenile justice, literacy, substance abuse prevention and treatment, and youth development and strengths. ... Read More
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Mental and Substance Abuse Disorders among Adult Men on Probation or Parole: Some Success against a Persistent Challenge
By Feucht, Thomas E.; Gfroerer, Joseph. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Rockville, MD).
“This report presents data on mental and substance use disorders among adult males on correctional supervised release–parole or probation–from local, state and federal prisons and jails. It examines issues that have grown increasingly salient with the rising costs associated with managing the growing community- and facility-based criminal justice population” (p. 1). Results are given for: trends in the number of probationers and parolees; substance use, dependence and abuse and unmet treatment ... Read More
16 pages
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Institute of Behavioral Research at TCU
Texas Christian University. Institute of Behavioral Research (IBR-TCU) (Fort Worth, TX).
The Institute of Behavioral Research is a “National Research Center for addiction treatment studies in community and correctional settings.” If you are looking for training programs covering various substance abuse treatment issues you want to check this out first. Points of entry to this website that has over 700 free treatment resource files include: manuals; forms; evidence; publications and abstracts; newsletters; downloads; about IBR-TCU; staff; projects; what’s new; other links; download t... Read More
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White Paper on Offender Reentry and Substance Abuse in Missouri Prepared by the St. Louis Alliance for Reentry (STAR) 2011
By Deason, Chris; Hygrade, Cynthia; Adams, Madeline; Jones, Karen. St. Louis Alliance for Reentry (STAR) (St. Louis, MO).
This document provides brief descriptions of various types of substance abuse treatment programs in Missouri. It also discusses: substance abuse affects the majority of U.S. offenders; offenders with substance abuse issues have the highest recidivism rates; they also have very high death rates and mental health challenges; promising practices and access to service; and prison-based treatment centers.... Read More
4 pages
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TIP 53: Addressing Viral Hepatitis in People With Substance Use Disorders
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) (Rockville, MD). CDM Group, Inc. (Bethesda, MD); JBS International, Inc. (Rockville, MD).
This Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) covers viral hepatitis in individuals who have substance abuse problems. “Each TIP involves the development of topic-specific best-practice guidelines for the prevention and treatment of substance use and mental disorders” (p. vii). Chapters contained in this TIP are: overview of viral hepatitis; screening for viral hepatitis; evaluation of chronic hepatitis; helping clients make medical decisions about hepatitis treatment; hepatitis treatment; counselin... Read More
146 pages
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Turning Knowledge into Practice: A Manual for Human Service Administrators and Practitioners about Understanding and Implementing Evidence-Based Practices: 2nd Edition
By Morris, John A., editor; Day, Stephen, editor; Schoenwald, Sonja K., editor. John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (Chicago, IL). Technical Assistance Collaborative, Inc. (Boston, MA).
The goal of this manual is “to enhance independence, self sufficiency, and community living for people with disabilities through the implementation and approaches of best practice series and segments” (p. 1). While this guide may be written for behavioral healthcare services, the information it provides about evidence-based practice (EBP) can be applied in most any setting. Chapters of this publication following an executive summary are: introduction—purpose and uses of this manual; an introduct... Read More
148 pages
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Behind Bars II: Substance Abuse and America’s Prison Population
National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). Columbia University. National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (New York, NY).
This report “constitutes the most exhaustive analysis ever undertaken to identify the extent to which alcohol and other drugs are implicated in the crimes and incarceration of America’s prison population” (p.i). Any individual interested in this issue or working with inmates who abused substances prior to incarceration should read this document. Chapters contained in this report are: introduction and executive summary; substance-involved inmates on the rise; arrests, convictions, sentencing, and... Read More
144 p.
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Substance Use and Delinquent Behavior Among Serious Adolescent Offenders
By Mulvey, Edward P.; Schubert, Carol A.; Chassin, Laurie. U.S. Dept. of Justice. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (Washington, DC).
Key findings regarding the relationship between substance use and serious adolescent offending are presented. Sections of this bulletin include: highlights; introduction; what we know—substance use problems are linked to serious delinquency; evidence from the Pathways to Desistance study—levels of substance use and abuse are high in serious offenders, substance use and offending appear to have a consistent relationship, and offenders with identified substance use problems are receiving treatment... Read More
16 pages
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streetdrugs.org (Long Lake, MN).
This website provides a wide range of information about the various kinds of street drugs available. Most of the street drug descriptions include color photos to help in identification.... Read More
4 pages
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Cost-Benefit Analysis of Reclaiming Futures
By Roman, John K.; Sundquist, Aaron; Butts, Jeffrey A.; Chalfin, Aaron. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (Princeton, NJ). Portland State University. Reclaiming Futures National Program Office (Portland, OR); Urban Institute (Washington, DC).
Individuals interested in developing a comprehensive substance abuse program for juvenile offenders should take the time to look at this evaluation. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; the Reclaiming Futures Initiative; costs; benefits; changes in offending; economic impact; and conclusion. “The preponderance of the evidence suggests that the Reclaiming Futures initiative was most likely cost-effective” (p.35).... Read More
38 p.
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Mental Health, Abuse, Drug Use and Crime: Does Gender Matter?
By Forsythe, Lubica; Adams, Kerryn. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra, ACT).
The relationship between mental health, drug use, offending, and abuse as a child is examined. Groupings investigated include: mental abuse among police detainees, mental illness and drug use and offending, and childhood abuse and drug use and offending. Results show that female detainees are more likely than males to use “Hard” drugs (i.e., heroin and amphetamines), be arrested for property crimes, and possess a stronger relationship between drug use, offending and being abused as a child.... Read More
6 p.
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A Study of Substance-Free Transitional Housing and Community Corrections in Washington County, Oregon
By Worcel, Sonia D.; Burrus, Scott. W.M.; Finigan, Michael W.. National Institute of Justice (Washington, DC). NPC Research, Inc. (Portland, OR).
Results are supplied from an evaluation of the provision of substance-free transition housing to offenders by the Washington County Community Correction Department. Sections following an executive summary include: introduction; methodology; results according to sample characteristics, what the value of Oxford House and other is added, and what the relative costs and benefits of substance-free transitional services are to the taxpayer; and discussion.... Read More
54 p.
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Women, Drug Use and Crime: Findings from the Drug Use Monitoring in Australia Program
By Loxley, Wendy; Adams, Kerryn. Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra, ACT).
The relationship between drug abuse and crime for female and male police detainees, prisoners, and the general Australian population is examined. Sections contained in this report include: executive summary; introduction; methodology; results for socio-demographic characteristics, current and recent offending, alcohol and other drug use and dependence, alcohol, relationship between drug use and crime, indigenous women, drug and alcohol treatment, and mental health issues; conclusion; and glossa... Read More
43 p.
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Shoveling Up II: The Impact of Substance Abuse on Federal, State and Local Budgets
Columbia University. National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (New York, NY).
The costs of substance abuse on society, including those for criminal justice, and strategies for reducing these costs are discussed. Sections of this report include: introduction and executive summary; uncovering the costs to government of substance abuse and addiction; the burdens to federal programs; the burden to state budgets; the burden to local budgets; government spending on prevention, treatment, and research; government spending on regulation, compliance, and interdiction; and moving ... Read More
165 p.
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Implementing Change in Substance Abuse Treatment Programs
CDM Group, Inc. (Chevy Chase, MD); JBS International, Inc. (Silver Spring, MD); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD).
Guidance is provided on “how to integrate evidence-based practices (EBPs) for substance abuse treatment into clinical practice” (p. 1). This publication is made up of the following chapters: introduction; preplanning; planning; implementation; evaluation; and sustainability.... Read More
63 p.
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Federal Bureau of Prisons Clinical Practice Guidelines: Detoxification of Chemically Dependent Inmates
U.S. Bureau of Prisons (Washington, DC).
Recommended standards for the medical management of withdrawal from addictive substances for federal inmates are described. Procedures discussed include: general principles -- detection of substance abuse and treatment of withdrawal; management of inmates with complicating medical and psychiatric conditions; placement of inmates for detoxification; alcohol withdrawal; benzodiazepine withdrawal; barbiturate withdrawal; opiate withdrawal; cocaine/stimulants; and inhalants. Appendixes cover: detox... Read More
32 p.
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Substance Abuse Treatment: Addressing the Specific Needs of Women
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. Division of Services Improvement. Quality Improvement and Workforce Development Branch (Rockville, MD).
“This TIP endorses a biopsychosociocultural framework based on clinical practice and research centered on women. By placing emphasis on the importance of context, many topics examine the role of factors that influence women’s substance use from initiation of use to engagement of continuing care treatment services, i.e., relationships, gender socialization, and culture. The knowledge and models presented here are grounded in women’s experiences, built on women’s strengths, and based on best, prom... Read More
390 pages
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Substance Abuse Treatment Admissions Referred by the Criminal Justice System
U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Office of Applied Studies (Rockville, MD); Synectics for Management Decisions, Inc. (Arlington, VA); RTI International (Research Triangle Park, NC).
By utilizing the Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS), substance abuse treatment admissions referred by the criminal justice system are compared to admissions from other agencies. Sections following a summary are: demographic characteristics; treatment characteristics; treatment outcomes; trends in criminal justice referrals; and discussion. “In 2007, the criminal justice system was the largest single source of referrals to the substance abuse treatment system, comprising 37 percent of all admissio... Read More
6 p.
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Addressing Addiction: Improving & Integrating California's Substance Abuse Treatment System
Little Hoover Commission (Sacramento, CA).
This report explains how to reduce substance abuse by "improving the state's treatment system, which will require building a new model of treatment based on science, efficient delivery of services in the right settings and, perhaps most of all, more leadership and guidance from policy-makers" (p. iii). Sections of this document are: executive summary; background; no system, no accountability; building a better system; Proposition 36 -- missed opportunities; conclusion; and the Commission's stud... Read More
126 p.
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New York State TASC (Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities) Standards
New York State. Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives (Albany, NY).
Standards related to TASC (Treatment Alternative for Safer Communities) programs are presented. TASC programs "provide a treatment intervention to stop the cycle of addiction, arrest, incarceration and release" (p. 4). This document is divided into eight parts: overview; statutory and regulatory authority; administrative standards; organizational structure, management, and integrity; program objectives; procedural standards; confidentiality; and revision of standards.... Read More
22 p.
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"Someone Who's Been There But Isn't Too Far Away": Findings from a Study of the Mentoring Component of a Young Adult Reentry Program
By NaPier, Emily; Wolf, Elaine. Center for Community Alternatives. Justice Strategies (Syracuse, NY).
The impact adult mentors have on community reintegration by young adults involved in the Self-Development Reentry Program is examined. Sections of this report include: introduction -- program description and mentoring component description; approach; findings according to mentor recruitment, matching and connections, training and program support, and meanings that mentors and mentees attach to the mentoring relationship; and discussion. "Our findings suggest that , with proper programmatic supp... Read More
6 p.
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Juvenile Justice
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs (Princeton, NJ); Brookings Institute (Washington, DC).
Issues related to juvenile justice are addressed. Articles include: “Introducing the Issue” by Laurence Steinberg; “Adolescent Development and the Regulation of Youth Crime” by Elizabeth S. Scott and Steinberg; “Improving Professional Judgments of Risk and Amenability in Juvenile Justice” by Edward P. Mulvey and Anne-Marie R. Iselin; “Disproportionate Minority Contact” by Alex R. Piquero; “Juvenile Crime and Criminal Justice: Resolving Border Disputes” by Jeffrey Fagan; “Understanding the Female... Read More
210 p.
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Model Policies for Juvenile Justice and Substance Abuse Treatment: A Report by Reclaiming Futures
By Binard, Joey; Prichard, Mac. Robert Wood Foundation (Princeton, NJ). Portland State University. Reclaiming Futures National Program Office. Juvenile Justice Fellowship (Portland, OR).
The use of the Reclaiming Futures model, "a new approach to helping teenagers caught in the cycle of drugs, alcohol and crime . . . combin[ing] system reforms, treatment improvement and community engagement" is discussed (p. 3). Sections of this report are: executive summary; teens, drugs, alcohol, and crime; evaluation -- research shows Reclaiming Futures works; federal, state, and local policy recommendations; meeting the challenges; what is next for Reclaiming Futures; and conclusion.... Read More
20 p.
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Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment Training Manual: Based on a Treatment Improvement Protocol TIP 45
U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (Rockville, MD).
“The purpose of this training is to provide instruction to substance abuse treatment staff and related professionals and service providers about the “Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 45: Detoxification and Substance Abuse Treatment” (p. 1). Six modules comprise this training program: overview, essential concepts, and definitions of detoxification; settings, levels of care, and patient placement; an overview of psychological and biomedical issues during detoxification; physical detoxification... Read More
88 p.
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Critical Knowledge About 12-Step Programs for Criminal Justice Professionals
  • [Videoconference held August 29, 2001]
  • By Gornik, Mark. National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    This 3-hour program discusses the strengths and weaknesses of 12-step programs and how they integrate with "what works" in the correctional field. The following topics are addressed:
    • Enhancing communication and cooperation and supporting the appropriate use of 12-step programs;
    • Recognizing the benefits of 12-step programs throughout the criminal justice system;
    • Understanding how the mission of 12-step programs complements the goal of corrections;
    • Special issues with 12-step progr... Read More

    1 DVD (180 min.)
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    Community Corrections in America: New Directions and Sounder Investments for Persons with Mental Illness and Codisorders
    By Lurigio, Arthur J., ed.. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Rockville, MD); National Institute of Corrections . National Coalition for Mental and Substance Abuse Health Care in the Justice System (Seattle, WA).
    Fifteen contributors provide ten chapters in this document, titled as follows: 1. The Challenge of Responding to Persons with Mental Illness on Community Corrections Supervision; 2. Persons with Mental Illness on Probation and Parole: The Importance of Information; 3. Offenders with Mental Illness on Probation Supervision; 4. Women in Probation and Parole; 5. Working with Seriously Mentally Ill Substance Abusers; 6. People of Color; 7. Juveniles: The First Frontier; ... Read More
    184 p.
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    Safety Awareness Workbook: Anticipating, Identifying, and Resolving the Potential Victimization of Probation and Parole Officers
    By Kipp, Richard A.. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Lehigh County Adult Probation and Parole (Allentown, PA).
    This workbook discusses worker safety issues in probation and parole. Officers' mental attitudes and use of force are addressed. General indications of drug use by clients, signs of aggression, possible resistance or attack, discussion of mental health issues, and general warning signs related to sex offenders are discussed. Finally, safety tactics, such as light conditions, building design, and vehicle considerations are discussed as they relate to officer safety.... Read More
    88 p.
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    Proceedings of a National Forum on Creating Jail Mental Health Services for Tomorrow's Health Care Systems
    National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC); U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services. Center for Mental Health Services (Washington, DC).
    This report on the proceedings of the first national forum on mental health services in jails contains copies of the remarks made by the speakers and summaries of each session of the meeting. The forum resulted from a strong concern about the numbers of mentally ill persons in correctional facilities. Areas of focus included mental health services in San Francisco Sheriff's Department facilities, and special mental health and substance abuse issues for women.... Read More
    75 p.
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    Competency Profile of Administrator of Substance Abuse Services
    National Institute of Corrections Academy (Longmont, CO).
    The administrator of substance abuse services develops, implements, and directs a continuum of substance abuse services in a correctional system. Using a DACUM format, duties and tasks are listed as well as traits & attitudes, knowledge & skills, resources & equipment, and education/licenses requirements of an administrator of substance abuse services.... Read More
    4 p.
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    Community Sanctions Evaluation Project: Final Report
    By Phelan, Lynn; Brown, Lynn; Friel, Charles. National Institute of Corrections (Washington, DC). Sam Houston State University. Criminal Justice Center (Huntsville, TX).
    Developed to measure the cost/benefit of applying community sanctions to a specific group of parolees in danger of having their parole revoked, this project required the accomplishment of two goals: 1) Design, test, and document the utility of using spreadsheet technology to evaluate the cost/benefit of alternative community sanctions. 2) Evaluate the cost/benefit of enhanced alternatives proposed by the U.S. Parole Commission in supervising parolees with special drug and alcohol restric... Read More
    61 p.

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