NTM-A hosts Troop Contributing Nation Conference

2012/09/05 • Comments

Story by Mass Communications Specialist 2nd Class Cory Rose
NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan, Public Affairs Office

Canadian Maj. Gen.  Jim Ferron, Deputy Commanding General NATO Training Mission Afghanistan (NTM-A), hosted a Troop Contributing Nation (TCN) Outreach Conference to provide updated information on NTM-A’s current status and future plans, Aug. 21.

“Senior National Military Representatives were provided a briefing that highlighted NTM-A’s development and focused on upcoming plans, including updated timelines for when NTM-A institutions would transition to Afghan National Security Force (ANSF) control,” said U.S. Army Lt.Col. Christopher Patton, Strategic Engagements, Special Assistant to the Deputy Commanding General NTM-A/CSTC-A.

NTM-A Conference hosted for Troop Contributing Nation.

Canadian Maj. Gen. Jim Ferron, Deputy Commanding General NATO Training Mission – Afghanistan (NTM-A), hosted a Troop Contributing Nation (TCN) Outreach Conference to provide updated information on NTM-A’s current status and future plans, Aug. 21. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW) Cory Rose)

NTM-A leadership used this conference to gain knowledge and coordinate with coalition forces about the transitioning process, enduring requirements, and forces still required.

“NTM-A hopes this information will provide TCN national leadership with information valuable to planning how each coalition nation can better plan for contributing trainers to NTM-A at future Force Generation Conferences organized by higher headquarters (ISAF and SHAPE),” said Patton.

 The Strategic Engagements Branch at NTM-A intends to keep subsequent interaction with coalition forces to keep them well informed of the NTM-A mission and future planning.

  “We hope that this information and future coordination will allow coalition forces to continue to play an important and enduring role in NTM-A’s mission to train, equip, advise, and assist the ANSF,” said Patton.

NTM-A is a coalition of 38 troop contributing nations assisting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in generating a capable and sustainable Afghan National Security Force ready to take lead of their country’s security by 2014. For more information about NTM-A, visit www.ntm-a.com.

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