Theory Seminars—2012

Regular seminars of the Fermilab Theoretical Physics Department are scheduled for
Thursday at 2:30 p.m. in Wilson Hall, Curia II.

Special dates or rooms are announced below.
The speaker's name links to a listing of recent preprints; the title to slides of talks.

Date   Speaker Host Title (click title to see slides)
January 5 No seminar   Happy New Year !
January 12
Alexander Knochel
U Heidelberg
Joachim Neutrino superluminality - Models and Constraints
January 19 Felix Yu
(local) Constraints on New Physics Explanations for the Evidence of CPV in D0 Decays from LHCb
January 26 Brian Shuve
Felix A WIMPy Baryogenesis Miracle
February 2 Joachim Kopp
Stephen Phenomenology with Sterile Neutrinos
February 9 Toshihiko Ota
MPI Munich
Stephen Effective operators in neutrino physics --- A bottom-up approach to new physics
February 16 Pedro Schwaller
U Chicago
Joachim Flavored Leptogenesis
February 23 Gerben Stavenga
(local) Proton decay and non-perturbative proton stability
March 1 Jeff Fortin
UC San Diego
Paddy Scale without conformal invariance
March 8 Alex Kagan
U. of Cincinnati
Roni Direct CP Violation in D decays
March 15 Tim Cohen
Roni Electroweak Baryogenesis and Higgs Signatures
March 22 Heechang Na
Argonne ALCF
Andreas Precise calculations on heavy flavor physics from lattice QCD
March 29 Jure Zupan
U. of Cincinnatti
Roni Bounds on dark matter annual modulation signals
April 5 Chuan-Ren Chen
Roni Top quark forward-backward asymmetry and new physics
April 12 Pilar Coloma
Virginia Tech
Joachim Neutrino oscillations for large theta-13
April 19 Can Kilic
University of Texas
Paddy Topics in Dark Matter: Flavored Dark Matter and Limits on Gamma-Ray Lines from Unitarity
April 26 Michele Papucci
Roni Higgs and naturalness
May 3 Norman Christ
Columbia U
Andreas Computing K → ππ decay using lattice QCD
May 10 Walter Winter
U Würzburg
Joachim Neutrinos from cosmic accelerators, and the multi-messenger connection
May 17 Martin Jankowiak
Joachim Jet substructure via angular correlations
May 24 Lian-Tao Wang
U Chicago
Joachim (Over)Interpreting the Higgs "signal"
May 31 Robert Feger
Vanderbilt U
Carl An Explicit SU(12) Family and Flavor Unification Model with Natural Fermion Masses and Mixings
June 7 Daping Du
Andreas B(s)->D(s) semileptonic form factors from lattice QCD and their applications
June 14 No seminar
   Project X Physics Study
June 21 No seminar
   Project X Physics Study
June 28 Takemichi Okui
Florida State U
Roni Gyroscopic Inflation
July 5 No seminar
July 12 Simone Alioli

Next-to-leading order calculations merged with parton showers

July 19 Jamison Galloway
U. of Rome, La Sapienza
Felix Getting to Know the Higgs
July 26 Ethan Neil
(local) Mass-deformed Conformal Field Theories on the Lattice
August 2 Jan Winter
Felix Top quark FB asymmetry in shower Monte Carlos
August 9 Reinard Primulando
College of William and Mary & Fermilab
(local) Electroweak multiplets for dark matter and the Higgs
August 16 Luca Vecchi
Adam On Partial Compositeness and the CP asymmetry in charm decays
August 23 David Tran
U Minnesota
Joachim Unstable Dark Matter: Indirect Detection and Constraints
August 30 Marco Zaro
Univ. Cathol. de Louvain
John NLO phenomenology with Madgraph
September 6
Heribertus (Bayu) Hartanto
Florida State Univ. & Fermilab
(local) NLO predictions for a Z boson + photons final states at the LHC
September 13 Randy Cotta
UC Irvine
Felix Bounding Dark Matter Interactions with Electroweak Gauge Bosons
September 20 Johannes Heinonen
U Chicago
Paddy Lorentz invariance in heavy particle effective theories
September 27 Chiu-Tien Yu
U. of Wisconsin, Madison & Fermilab
(local) The Shape of Light Stops
October 4 Shoji Hashimoto
Paul π0 → γγ on the lattice
October 10
John Terning
UC Davis
Paddy A Light Composite Stop
October 18 Ahmed Ismail
Felix A Higgs but no sparticles yet: what it means for the (p)MSSM
October 25
1:15 pm, 3NW
Jessie Shelton
Ethan Asymmetric (S)tops
November 1 Marat Freytsis
Paddy Seeing Half the Story: Tagging Partially Reconstructed Jet Substructure
November 8 Christina Ignarra
Stephen Recent MiniBooNE results and the status of sterile neutrinos
November 15 Graham Kribs
U. of Oregon
Roni Supersafe Supersymmetry at LHC
November 22 No seminar   Happy Thanksgiving!
November 29 Prashant Saraswat
Roni Displaced Supersymmetry
December 6 Myeonghun Park
Joe Collider bounds on dark matter models for Fermi gamma-ray line
December 13
Walter Freeman
George Washington
Andreas The Intrinsic Strangeness and Charm of the Nucleon
December 20 No seminar   Happy Holidays!

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Directions to Fermilab.
Paddy Fox, Roni Harnik, Felix Yu e-mail

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