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Notice of Public Auction Sale
Under the authority in Internal Revenue Code section 6331, the property described below has been seized for nonpayment of internal revenue taxes due from Taxpayer. The property will be sold at public auction as provided by Internal Revenue Code section 6335 and related regulations.
Time:11:00 AM
Bidder Registration Time:10:30 AM
Sale Location: Caswell County Courthouse, 139 East Church St, Yanceyville, NC (Front of Courthouse on Steps)
Title Offered: Only the right, title and interest of the Taxpayer in and to the property will be offered for sale. If requested, the Internal Revenue Service will furnish information about possible encumbrances, which may be useful in determining the value of the interest being sold.
Description of Property: Real Estate located in Yanceyville, NC
Property May Be Inspected at:
Drive-By Viewing Only
Legal Description: See Link Below
Minimum Bid: $2,914.00
Click here for Mail-in Bid Form
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Click here for Notice of Encumbrances
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Click here for Legal Description
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Click here for Plat Map
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The Terms of Payment: Full payment required on acceptance of highest bid.
Form of Payment: All payments must be by cash, certified check, cashier's or treasurer's check or by a United States postal, bank, express, or telegraph money order. Make check or money order payable to the United States Treasury.
For additional information about the property and proposed sale, please contact the following office:
Name:Darlene Jones
Title: PALS
Bureau: IRS
Address: 4041 N Central Ave, MS 5014
Phoenix, AZ, 85012
Phone: (602) 501-2146
Updated: 10/9/2012
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