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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Recruiting, Retaining and Honoring a World-Class Workforce to Serve the American People

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Executive Order 13197

[Federal Register: January 25, 2001 (Volume 66, Number 17)]
[Presidential Documents]
[Page 7851-7854]

Part III
The President

Executive Order 13197--Governmentwide Accountability for Merit System
Principles; Workforce Information

Proclamation 7402--Establishment of the Governors Island National Monument
Presidential Documents

Title 3--
The President
[[Page 7853]]

                Executive Order 13197 of January 18, 2001

                Governmentwide Accountability for Merit System
                Principles; Workforce Information

                In an era of decentralization of Federal human
                resources management, it is increasingly important to
                ensure that merit system principles are applied
                consistently across the Federal Government and that the
                Executive branch has the ability to collect information
                about its workforce. The President and the public need
                to be assured that Federal agencies are monitoring the
                exercise of all human resources management authorities
                that have been delegated to them.

                Therefore, by the authority vested in me as President
                by the Constitution and the laws of the United States
                of America, including sections 1104(a)(1), 2301(c), and
                3302 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby
                ordered as follows:

                Section 1. Civil Service Rule V (5 CFR Part 5) is
                amended in section 5.2 by striking subsection (d).

                Sec. 2. Civil Service Rule VII (5 CFR Part 7) is
                amended --

                (a) by striking section 7.2;

                (b) by redesignating sections 7.3 and 7.4 as sections
                7.2 and 7.3, respectively; and

                (c) by amending the table of sections to read as


                7.1 Discretion in filling vacancies.

                7.2 Reemployment rights.

                7.3 Citizenship.''

                Sec. 3. Two new Civil Service Rules are added at the
                end of Civil Service Rule VIII to read as follows:



                9.1 Definition.

                9.2 Reporting workforce information.

                Sec. 9.1 Definition.

                 As used in this rule, 'Executive agency' means an
                Executive department, a Government corporation, and an
                independent establishment, as those terms are defined
                in chapter 1 of title 5, United States Code, but does
                not include the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the
                Central Intelligence Agency, the Defense Intelligence
                Agency, the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, the
                National Security Agency, and, as determined by the
                President, any Executive agency or unit within an
                Executive agency which has as its principal function
                the conduct of foreign intelligence or
                counterintelligence activities.

                Sec. 9.2 Reporting workforce information.

                 The Director of the Office of Personnel Management may
                require all Executive agencies to report information
                relating to civilian employees, including positions and
                employees in the competitive, excepted, and Senior

[[Page 7854]]

                services, in a manner and at times prescribed by the
                Director. The Director shall establish standards for
                workforce information submissions under this section,
                and agencies shall ensure that their submissions meet
                these standards consistent with the Privacy Act. The
                Director may exempt from this section a specific agency
                or group of employees when the Director determines that
                an exemption is appropriate because of special



                    (RULE X)


                10.1 Definitions.

                10.2 Accountability systems.

                10.3 OPM authority to review personnel management
                programs and practices.

                Sec. 10.1 Definitions.

                For purposes of this rule --

                (a) 'agency' means an Executive agency as defined in
                Rule IX, but does not include a Government corporation
                or the General Accounting Office; and

                (b) 'merit system principles' means the principles for
                Federal personnel management that are set forth in
                section 2301(b) of title 5, United States Code.

                Sec. 10.2. Accountability systems.

                The Director of the Office of Personnel Management may
                require an agency to establish and maintain a system of
                accountability for merit system principles that (1)
                sets standards for applying the merit system
                principles, (2) measures the agency's effectiveness in
                meeting these standards, and (3) corrects any
                deficiencies in meeting these standards.

                Sec. 10.3. OPM authority to review personnel management
                programs and practices.

                The Office of Personnel Management may review the human
                resources management programs and practices of any
                agency and report to the head of the agency and the
                President on the effectiveness of these programs and
                practices, including whether they are consistent with
                the merit system principles.''

                    (Presidential Sig.)

                THE WHITE HOUSE,

                     January 18, 2001.

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