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OPP Advisory Committee


November 14 – 15, 2011 • Stafford I — Room 1235


PDF format for printing (PDF, 105 Kbytes)

Monday November 14, 2011



NSF Lead

OAC lead

OAC scribe

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8:00 Coffee available
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8:30 Introductions, housekeeping & approval of minutes of last meeting Kelly Falkner/Guy Guthridge Cecilia Bitz Orville Huntington
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8:45 OPP Director's Report Karl Erb Cecilia Bitz Mary-Elena Carr
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9:15 OneNSF Innovations: INSPIRE, I-Corps Cliff Gabriel (OIA), Kesh Narayanan & Errol Arkilic (ENG) Jordan Powers Jeanne Kosch
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10:00 Talk with NSF Director Dr. Subra Suresh and Deputy Director Dr. Cora Marrett Karl Erb Cecilia Bitz Jeff Severinghaus
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10:30 Coffee Break/stretch legs
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11:00 OneNSF International: PIRE, SAVI, GRF, Merit Review Summit Karl Erb/Machi Dilworth (OISE)/Julie Palais John Kovac Linda Green
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12:00 PM Working Lunch (members break to retrieve lunch)
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12:30 Emerging Beaufort & Chukchi activity Brendan Kelly Orville Huntington Jordan Powers
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1:30 Public awareness of polar science Anna Kerttula w/Robert Bell (NCSES) Linda Green Marigold Linton
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2:15 NRC Future of Antarctic Science Report Karl Erb/NRC Staff Jeff Severinghaus Jordan Powers
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3:00 Coffee Break/stretch legs
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3:15 Vision Document: Group Discussion & Subgroup activity Kelly Falkner/OPP staff Cecilia Bitz Paul Bierman
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5:15 Wrap up Karl Erb/Kelly Falkner Jeanne Kosch John Kovac
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5:30 Collect input for meeting notes & adjourn Guy Guthridge


Tuesday November 15, 2011



NSF Lead

OAC lead

OAC scribe

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8:00 Coffee available
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8:30 Vision Document: Subgroups report out & next steps Kelly Falkner/OPP Staff John Kovac Mary-Elena Carr
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9:30 Measuring post field-deployment customer satisfaction Brian Stone/Renee Crain Jeff Severinghaus Paul Bierman
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10:30 Break
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11:00 Promoting innovation: Merit review exercises Steve Meacham (OIA) Mary-Elena Carr John Kovac
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11:30 NSF-Community communications Karl Erb/OPP Staff Marigold Linton Jeanne Kosch
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12:00 PM Working Lunch (members break to retrieve lunch)
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12:30 Role of Advisory Committee as community conduit Simon Stephenson/Scott Borg Paul Bierman Jordan Powers
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1:30 Items for committee reports; Action items Karl Erb, Kelly Falkner Cecilia Bitz Linda Green
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2:00 Collect input for meeting notes & adjourn Guy Guthridge


Acronyms List

Acronym Title
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CREATIV: Creative Research Awards for Transformative Interdisciplinary Ventures
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ENG: Engineering Directorate
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GRF: Graduate Research Fellowships
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INSPIRE: Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Education
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I-Corps: Innovation Corps
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NCSES: National Center for Science & Engineering Statistics
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NRC/: National Research Council
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OISE: Office of International Science and Engineering
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OIA: Office of Integrative Affairs
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PIRE: Partnerships in International Research and Education
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SAVI: Science Across Virtual Institutes


Last updated: 06/16/2011

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