U.S. Department of Justice

Twenty Strategies for Advancing Sex Offender Management in Your Jurisdiction

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Jan. 27, 2009

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  • Twenty Strategies for Advancing Sex Offender Management in Your Jurisdiction

ANNOTATION: Strategies for “promot[ing] public safety by reducing the risk of recidivism among sex offenders” are described (p.7). Strategies include: establish a comprehensive, ongoing assessment process; monitor changes in dynamic risk; implement a collaborative case management approach; adopt a victim-centered approach; deliver evidence-based sex offender treatment; enhance treatment capacity; establish seamless information exchange mechanisms; promote successful post-release outcomes through informed release decisions; implement a strategic sex offender reentry process; partner with law enforcement; deliver quality supervision services; ensure appropriate, sustainable housing options; engage the public; engage a multidisciplinary team to establish and oversee statewide policy and local implementation; implement a deliberate professional development strategy; prevent secondary trauma; maintain quality assurance; tailor strategies for juveniles; engage legislators to promote informed policies; and invest in what works.

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