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A 403(b) Message  12/21/11
The information contained in this presentation is current as of the date it was presented.
It should not be considered official IRS guidance.

ZUCKERMAN: General revenue code Section 403(b) plans are an important retirement-savings program for employees of many exempt organizations and educational institutions.

Under the final Section 403(b) regulations, Section 403(b) plans are now required to be in writing.

As a result, we continue to build and develop strategies and procedures to enhance our Section 403(b) plan-compliance initiatives.

We are doing this through guidance, education, and outreach, voluntary compliance, and enforcement.

EP made great strides with regard to this operating priority in Fiscal Year 2011.

The pre-approved plan revenue procedure and LRMs have been drafted and are currently in clearance.

And we have added Section 403(b) plans to the new EPCRS revenue procedure, which is also in clearance.

We continue to partner with tax professionals, providing technical advice on Section 403(b) plan issues to outreach initiatives such as benefit conferences and open forums.

EP continues to collaborate with FSLG and EO in the coordination of the Section 403(b) examination program to address Section 403(b) early-retirement issues, executive-compensation matters, universal eligibility compliance, and revocation actions.

R&A and Exam are working together on outreach components and EPCU projects to help the Section 403(b) community learn how to comply with the new document requirements.

In early Fiscal Year 2012, we expect to launch the Section 403(b) pre-approved program.

We will process the lead plans in Washington, D.C.

In Fiscal Year 2012, EPCU and Research will complete an analysis of our prior Section 403(b) compliance projects, and we anticipate that comprehensive final reports will be completed and issued early in the fiscal year.

In addition, a Section 403(b) Fix-It Guide has been developed, and we anticipate that it will be issued early in Fiscal Year 2012.

We will keep you informed as we continue to make progress in this important area.