Voices from
the Field

Five women tell their story of how both their lives and entrepreneurial spirit benefit from MCC’s compact with Mongolia.

Serving the
World's Poor

Read why many MCC employees chose to work toward reducing global poverty out of a sense of service to the world's neediest people.

Daniel Yohannes

Leads the U.S. presidential delegation to the inauguration of President-elect John Dramani Mahama of Ghana.


MCC and the President’s State of the Union address

MCC CEO Daniel W. Yohannes articulates how MCC is supporting the President's agenda and making progress in some of the world's most impoverished countries. Read

Blog Entry

Toward a healthier Mongolia

Mongolia has a very high incidence of non-communicable diseases which includes cancers, cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. Change is happening in Mongolia thanks to advocacy and training as part of MCC's Health Project.  Read


MCA-Philippines Overview

The Philippines-MCC partnership is uplifting the lives of Filipinos through economic growth. The $434 million investment in roads, community projects and a tax administration overhaul is paving the way for a hopeful future that has Filipinos excited.Watch

Blog Entry

A weekend to remember

MCC CEO Daniel W. Yohannes participates in a service project to mark the National Day of Service.  Read

See all countries

Calendar of Events

  • December 20, 2012

    Quarterly Town Hall Meeting

    Please join us for MCC's quarterly town hall meeting. Topics of discussion include MCC's annual selection of countries eligible for compacts and Threshold Programs.
  • December 6, 2012

    MCC Country Leadership Reception

    Please join us for a reception in honor of MCC's Resident Country Mission staff and MCA leadership.
  • November 27, 2012

    Secretary Clinton Visits MCC

    Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited MCC on November 27, 2012 to meet with staff and discuss the agency’s role as a key part of the U.S. foreign policy agenda.

See all events


Principles into Practice

The Principles into Practice series offers a frank look at what it takes to make MCC’s foundational principles—good governance, country ownership, focus on results, and transparency—operational.

See the series of papers, ranging from results to gender, and sign up to learn when new papers are published.