
  • Instructor Peter Weinberger discusses the USIP Academy course "Engaging With Identity-Based Differences." This course outlines strategies and distinctive challenges for third-party mediators and other advisers, including countering hate speech and exclusionary policies, engaging religious and tribal leaders, establishing trust through intergroup dialogues, and other measures.

  • With national elections just around the corner on March 7, Iraq once again finds itself at a critical crossroads in determining what sort of society it wants and the extent to which truly representative politics will be central to that concept. Ambassador Christopher Hill offers his remarks.

  • The U.S. Institute of Peace has been developing a new series of handbooks for practitioners and educators about the art of mediation which constitute “The Peacemaker’s Toolkit.” To formally launch the Peacemaker’s Toolkit, USIP held a public workshop on May 4 featuring authors of three of the handbooks.

  • Nowhere is the media landscape changing more dramatically than in the news business. Newspapers and foreign news bureaus are dwindling, while other information sources are exploding with the rise of the internet, the citizen journalist, and social networking.  This panel discussed and considered recommendations designed to leverage the new news business for improved global conflict prevention.

  • There’s no doubt that stories can make a difference—whether it’s a radio drama for girls education in Afghanistan, a TV soccer soap opera in Kenya sparking cross-ethnic dialogue, or documentary like An Inconvenient Truth pushing climate change to the fore.  This panel considered how to amplify the potential of documentary and narrative film to help bridge inter-group conflicts, and looked at innovative new models for supporting storytelling that produces positive social change. 

  • This panel will explored recommendations for deepening our commitment to developing next generation peacebuilders when digital media platforms are driving skyrocketing media consumption among youth globally.

  • Ambassador Richard Solomon, president of the U.S. Institute of Peace, delivers opening remarks at "Seizing the Moment: Media & Peacebuilding," the third in a series of events hosted by the Center of Innovation for Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding titled "Media as Global Diplomat."

  • President and Chief Executive Officer of Independent Television Service (ITVS), Sally Jo Fifer, delivers opening remarks at "Seizing the Moment: Media & Peacebuilding," the third in a series of events hosted by the Center of Innovation for Media, Conflict and Peacebuilding titled "Media as Global Diplomat." ITVS is a co-host of this event.

  • The recent Supreme Court decision in Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project upheld the laws that make it a criminal act to provide “material support” to a proscribed organization as designated by the State Department or the Treasury Department, even when that support consists of advice or training aimed at promoting peace and non-violence. This event explored the scope of this ruling and its implications for international peacemaking.

  • Watch USIP's Jason Gluck discuss the importance of the popular consultation process in Blue Nile and Southern Kordofan states in Sudan.