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Entry-level Retention Program
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New employee orientation, mentoring, and skill development are the building blocks for a successful career in energy regulation. They are also the foundation for the entry-level retention program.

New employees can expect valuable insight and information about their choice of FERC as an employer well before their first day on the job. New Hire Advocates are anxious to help in the transition from backpack to briefcase. Advocates answer the nagging questions new employees may have about the FERC corporate culture and community. Want to know what to expect on your first day, week or month? As a recent new hire, advocates had those same questions and can help guide new employees through those anxious moments.

Once on board, entry-level employees continue to receive coaching and mentoring through an interactive entry-level retention program. Through a series of learning activities and developmental exercises, employees build a strong foundation of skill sets necessary to understand the complex issues surrounding energy regulation.

Updated: June 28, 2010