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Past Interns/STARS
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Kadia Givner

Kadia Givner
Education: Hampton University, B.A. Psychology 2003 | (DeVry's) Keller Graduate School of Management, Masters in Human Resource Management 2006
Joined FERC: STAR, August 2004 | Intern, Summer 2005 | Equal Employment Specialist, September 2005

"A truly diverse workforce benefits our ultimate customers: the nation’s ratepayers. As an Equal Employment Specialist, I work with managers at all levels to implement the diversity strategies outlined in the Commission’s Strategic Plans. I help to ensure that FERC makes full use of the ideas, talents, experiences, and perspectives of all employees at all levels of our organization.

The Commission was very supportive of my educational pursuits. The student programs offered me the scheduling flexibility that I needed to complete my academic endeavors.”

Kamaria Martin

Kamaria Martin
Education: University of Maryland, College Park, B.S. in Finance 2004
Joined FERC: STAR, November 2003 | Intern, Summer 2004 | EIA, December 2004

"My experience in the intern program is definitely what sparked my interest in the energy industry and influenced my decision to work here full time. I worked on interesting projects with knowledgeable individuals, while learning about the Commission. I enjoyed contributing to real projects that affected ratepayers and directly related to the mission of the Commission.

As an Energy Industry Analyst, I monitor natural gas markets to help maintain their efficiency. Understanding historical price trends, current transportation and supply conditions, and other energy fundamentals are all integral to being an effective analyst. The energy industry is very dynamic. I enjoy the challenge of staying abreast of new regulations and how they affect market behavior.

Living in D.C. has been a great experience as well. I am very active and like to try new things including dance classes, museums, concerts and outdoor recreation. D.C. has plenty of activities to keep me interested!"

Sasha Mendez

Sasha Mendez
Education: University of Florida, B.S. in Industrial Engineering and minors in Business Administration and Sales Engineering
Joined FERC: Intern, Summer 2004 | Engineer, February 2007

"I was first introduced to FERC through a Summer Internship in the Division of Logistics Management. It was a wonderful, challenging experience in an amiable and professional environment. I discovered that a full-time career at FERC would provide me with valuable experiences and outstanding benefits. I was very excited to see how I could apply my industrial engineering skills in a prominent industry. I fell in love with D.C. that summer and I knew it was a city where I could live, work and enjoy myself.

As a General Engineer in the Office of Energy Markets and Reliability, I lead and analyze casework involving technical issues in the oil and gas industry. I help to create and enhance a reliable oil and gas pipeline grid that increases supply sources available to consumers. I work as part of a team to achieve FERC's vision for abundant, reliable energy in a fair competitive market."

Updated: June 28, 2010