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Aircraft revenue departures performed The number of aircraft take-offs actually performed in scheduled passenger/cargo and all-cargo services.
Aircraft revenue hours The airborne hours in revenue service, computed from the moment an aircraft leaves the ground until it touches the ground again.
Aircraft revenue miles The miles (computed in airport-to-airport distances) for each inter-airport hop actually completed in revenue services, whether or not performed in accordance with the scheduled pattern. For this purpose, operation to a flag stop is a hop completed even though a landing is not actually made. In cases where the inter-airport distances are inapplicable, aircraft miles flown are determined by multplying the normal cruising speed for the aircraft type by the airborne hours.
Available seat miles The aircraft miles flown in each inter-airport hop multiplied by the number of seats available on that hop for revenue passenger use.
Freight Property other than express and passenger baggage transported by air.
Miles A statute mile (5,280 feet). All mileage computations are based on statute miles.
Total revenue ton miles The aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport hop multiplied by tons of revenue traffic (passenger and non-passenger) carrier on that hop.
Revenue Pertaining to activities for which remuneration is received by the carrier.
Revenue passenger Person receiving air transportation from an air carrier for which remuneration is received by the carrier. All carrier employees or others, except ministers of religion, elderly individuals, and handicapped individuals, receiving air transportation against whom reduced rate charges (less than the applicable tariff) are levied are considered non-revenue passengers. Infants for whom a token fare is charged are not counted as passengers.
Revenue passenger emplanements The total number of passengers boarding an aircraft.
Revenue passenger mile One revenue passenger transported one mile in revenue service. Revenue passenger miles are computed by the summation of the products of the revenue aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport hop multipled by the number of revenue passengers carried on that hop.
Revenue ton mile One ton of revenue traffic transported one mile.
Ton mile One ton (2,000 pounds) transported one statute mile (5,280 feet); ton miles are computed by multiplying the aircraft miles flown on each inter-airport hop by the number of tons carried on that hop.

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