Updated: 13-Nov-2001 High Quality Photos



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The following pages contain high quality photos that can be downloaded for printing.


North Atlantic Council Meeting at the level of Foreign Ministers
Visit to NATO by the religious leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Secretary General Javier Solana
Exercise Strong Resolve 98

Inauguration of the Manfred Wörner Building
Official opening of the Hungarian Mission at NATO Headquarters
Military Committee Meeting
12 May 1998
Cooperative Lantern '98
28-29 May 1998 - Luxembourg
Meetings of the North Atlantic Council (NAC), the NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council (PJC), the NATO-Ukraine Commission (NUC) and the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), at the Level of Foreign Ministers.
3 June 1998
Inauguration of the Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre (EADRCC)

11-12 June 1998
- Brussels
Ministers of Defence meetings - North Atlantic Council in Defence Ministers session - Meeting of NATO Defence Ministers with Co-operation Partners
23-24 June 1998 -
Visits to NATO by President Izetbegovic of Bosnia and Ibrahim Rugova, Political Leader of Kosovo
10 July 1998
Visit to NATO by Petar Stoyanov, President of Bulgaria

24 July 1998
Visit to NATO by Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungaria


23 September 1998
Strategic Arms Limitations (SALT) talks begin in Vienna

24-25 September 1998 - Vilamoura, Portugal
Informal meetings of NATO Defence Ministers
6 October 1998 -
Visit to NATO by K. Vollebaek, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, and J van Aartsen, Minister of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands
8 October 1998 -
Bilateral meeting NATO - US
12-13 October 1998 -
Visit to NATO by Richard Holbrooke, US Special Envoy, and Press Conference by NATO Secretary General
13 October 1998 -
Bilateral meeting between UK Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Robin Cook and NATO Secretary General, Dr. Javier Solana
27 October 1998 -
NATO Council Meeting at Ambassador level on Kosovo
22 November 1998 -
Czech Enlargement Press Tour
24 November 1998 -
Military Committee Meeting in Chiefs of Staff Session
25 November 1998 -
EAPMC Meeting at Chiefs of Staff level
4 December 1998 -
Visit to NATO by Ambassador William Walker, Head of the OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo
8-9 December 1998 -
Foreign Ministers Meeting - North Atlantic Council with the Three Invited Countries North Atlantic Council - Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council - NATO-Russia Permanent Joint Council - NATO/Ukraine Commission
17-18 December 1998 -
Defence Ministers Meeting - North Atlantic Council with the Three Invited Countries Defence Planning Committee & Nuclear Planning Group in Ministerial Session - Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council - NATO-Russia Permanent - Joint Council NATO/Ukraine Commission

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