On board and onshore: inside the living spaces of Sailors Living Quarters

America’s Navy takes pride in providing outstanding living areas and conditions for its Sailors. Whether you are serving on base or at sea, these living spaces will afford you many of the same comforts and conveniences of civilian life, providing a “home away from home.”

On Base

As a Sailor working on base, it’s not just all work and no play. You will have the opportunity to work and live with other servicemembers, as well as rest and relax away from the job. Whether living in a barracks, an apartment or a house, you’ll have many of the same amenities as civilians – from full kitchens to recreational areas, laundry facilities to gyms.

Navy housing is home to many families: moms, dads, kids and even some visiting grandparents. Normally, Navy quarters come unfurnished with the exception of a stove and refrigerator. All the utilities, except the telephone, are already paid. Navy housing on base often includes three and four bedrooms, with amenities including garages, porches and yards.

At Sea

Whether on a ship or submarine, Sailors are provided with sufficient living spaces. Each Sailor is assigned a “berthing area,” which includes a locker for storage, as well as a “rack” for sleep. The cooks in the kitchen (galleys) constantly prepare food for hundreds of men and women. Mess decks are not just areas to eat, but are also for recreation – Sailors can kick back and watch television or play games. Many vessels also have ATMs, as well as mail services to keep in contact with friends and family back home.