NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

12 Dec. 2011

Israeli parliamentarians visit NATO HQ

On 12 December 2011, a delegation from the Knesset's Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, led by MK Avi Dichter, visited NATO HQ.

The event, which took place in the framework of NATO’s public diplomacy activities under the Mediterranean Dialogue, included meetings with NATO's Assistant General for Political Affairs Ambassador Dirk Brengelmann, with NATO's Assistant Secretary General for Operations Amb. Stephen Evans, with Maj. Gen. Druart, Director for Operations to the NATO Military Committee and with. Mr Nicola de Santis, Head of the Mediterranean Dialogue and ICI Countries Section in the Political Affairs and Security Policy Division.

The delegation also had an opportunity to discuss NATO’s political agenda with Permanent Representatives to the North Atlantic Council: Amb. Riccardo Sessa (Italy), Amb. João Mira Gomes (Portugal), Amb. Philippe Errera (France) and Amb. Yves Brodeur (Canada).

Last updated: 15-Dec-2011 12:44
