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    Foods and Veterinary Program (FVM) Strategic Plan for 2012-2016

    Food Basket

    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition - Food and Drug Administration

    September 30, 2011

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) today announced the release of the draft Strategic Plan for the Foods and Veterinary Medicine Program (FVM) for 2012-2016.  The plan takes into account all of the activities within the jurisdictions of the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and the Center for Veterinary Medicine and includes activities supported by the Office of Regulatory Affairs.  The plan illustrates the breadth and complexity of the program’s work and identifies priority initiatives.  It outlines seven strategic program goals, each encompassing its own key objectives, as well as nearly 100 specific initiatives aimed at achieving goals and objectives. 

    The FDA invites Comment on the plan for the next thirty-day period.  Please send comments to FDAFVMStrategicPlan@fda.hhs.gov.


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