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    International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation September 26-28, 2007 Meeting Outcome

    CFSAN Constituent Update - Fruit Basket
    CFSAN Constituent Update - CFSAN FDA

    October 11, 2007

    Regulatory authorities participating in the International Cooperation on Cosmetic Regulation (ICCR) Meeting, held September 26-28 in Brussels, Belgium, today released a summary report on the outcome of the meeting.

    Topics addressed in the report include good manufacturing practice, ingredient labeling, nanotechnology, market surveillance, and authorized substances, as well as animal testing and alternative methods.

    On August 28, FDA held a public meeting, announced on August 13 in the Federal Register (72 FR 45250), to solicit public input prior to the ICCR meeting. Among the groups participating at the public meeting were Campaign for Safe Cosmetics; Center for Occupational and Environmental Health; American Nurses Association; U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission; Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association; and Independent Cosmetic Manufacturers and Distributors. Consumers, industry and other interested parties were invited to submit written comments, and/or make oral statements at the meeting. All written statements were made available to meeting participants and relevant FDA staff. Comments submitted prior to, and at the public meeting, were carefully reviewed by FDA staff, and incorporated into the FDA position that was used at the ICCR meeting in Brussels. Comments submitted at the meeting, as well as related correspondence, will be made available on FDA's Dockets page, under Docket #2007N-0313. An official transcription of the meeting is available through FOI. The public was informed at the meeting that draft ICCR documents and work products would be posted to the FDA website, and public comment sought. Input from interested parties would be welcomed throughout the ICCR process. Outcomes of the ICCR meetings and final documents would also be posted to the FDA website.


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