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    Availability of CFSAN FY 2007 Report to Stakeholders

    CFSAN Constituent Update - Fruit Basket
    CFSAN Constituent Update - CFSAN FDA

    June 6, 2007

    On June 5, 2007, the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) issued its FY 2007 Report to Stakeholders. This report consists of the following three components: FY 2007 Program Priorities, FY 2006 Program Priority Accomplishments and FY 2006 Other Significant Accomplishments.

    As described in the FY 2007 Program Priorities component of the CFSAN FY 2007 Report to Stakeholders, the Center's core functions continue to be among the top priorities for the current fiscal year, 2007 (October 1, 2006 through September 30, 2007). More specifically, program priorities include a strong emphasis on food safety, food defense, nutrition and labeling, dietary supplements and cosmetics. Note that a new priority under the broad food safety category has been included involving activities related to the Pandemic Flu. CFSAN has published an annual Program Priorities document since 1999. The document incorporates input from CFSAN's employees and input received from stakeholders in response to a Federal Register request for comments.

    The CFSAN FY 2007 Report to Stakeholders also includes the Center's FY 2006 Program Priority Accomplishments and Other Significant Accomplishments. The FY 2006 accomplishments documented reflect CFSAN's continued commitment to focusing resources where they provide the most benefit to American consumers.
