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    FDA Seeks Input on Making Nutrition Information More Useful to Consumers

    Food Basket

    Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition - Food and Drug Administration

    April 29, 2010

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued a request, in the Federal Register, for data and other information the agency can use as it considers ways to make nutrition information more useful to consumers; for example, on "front-of-pack" labeling (the main display panel on products) and shelf tags in retail stores. The deadline for submitting comments is July 28, 2010.

    FDA is particularly interested in receiving data and information on:

    • the extent to which consumers notice, use, and understand nutrition symbols on front-of-pack labeling or shelf tags;
    • results of research that assessed and compared the effectiveness of potential approaches to front-of-pack labeling;
    • graphic design, marketing, and advertising that can contribute to development of nutrition information that is more useful to consumers;
    • the extent to which nutrition labeling affects food manufacturers’ decisions about the contents of their products.

    The goal of this request is to make calorie and nutrition information available to consumers in ways that will help them choose foods for more healthful diets – an effort that has taken on special importance, given the prevalence of obesity and diet-related diseases in the U.S. and of increasingly busy lifestyles that demand quick, nutritious food.

    The FDA and the U.S. Department of Agriculture are working with public and private stakeholders to develop a voluntary front-of-pack nutrition label based on sound nutrition criteria, consumer research, and design expertise, to supplement the information in the Nutrition Facts box currently on labels.

    • For more detailed information and instructions for submitting information, visit http://edocket.access.gpo.gov/2010/pdf/2010-9939.pdf.
    • Electronic comments should refer to docket FDA-2010-N-0210 and may be submitted at this link: http://www.regulations.gov.
    • Written comments may be submitted to the following address. They should include two copies and a reference to docket FDA-2010-N-0210:
              Division of Dockets Management (HFA-305)
              Food and Drug Administration
              5630 Fishers Lane, Rm. 1061
              Rockville, MD 20852