NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

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05 Oct. 2012

Director General of International Military Staff pays an official visit to Croatia

Zagreb, 5 October 2012 - Lieutenant General Jürgen Bornemann, Director General of NATO’s International Military Staff (DGIMS), is currently visiting Croatia on the invitation of Lieutenant General D. Lovrić, Croatian Chief of Defense.

03 Oct. 2012

Statement by the NATO Secretary General on Georgia's parliamentary elections

I congratulate the Georgian people on completing free, competitive and peaceful parliamentary elections.

03 Oct. 2012

North Atlantic Council statement on developments on the Turkish-Syrian border

As stated on 26 June 2012, the Alliance continues to closely follow the situation in Syria. In view of the Syrian regime’s recent aggressive acts at NATO’s southeastern border, which are a flagrant breach of international law and a clear and present danger to the security of one of its Allies, the North Atlantic Council met today, within the framework of Article 4 of the Washington Treaty, and discussed the continuous shelling of locations in Turkey adjacent to the Turkish-Syrian border by the Syrian regime forces.

03 Oct. 2012

NATO supports Smart Defence in South-Eastern Europe

The NATO Communications and Information (NCI) Agency will support efforts to sustain the multinational South-Eastern Europe Brigade in carrying out a wide range of missions, including disaster management, and ensure full interoperability with NATO in operations. The support package was reviewed by sixteen defence ministers at the South- Eastern Europe Defence Ministerial (SEDM) in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, on 3 October.

03 Oct. 2012

Launch of Arabic Translation of the ''Compendium of Best Practices. Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence''

On 3 October 2012, the Swiss Mission to NATO organised, at NATO HQ, a ceremony on the occasion of the translation into Arabic of the “Compendium of Best Practices. Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence”. This ceremony gathered more than 50 participants including Permanent Representatives on the North Atlantic Council, as well as participants from NATO’s partnership programmes, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership for Peace, the Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative.

03 Oct. 2012

North Atlantic Council statement on the extension of the Secretary General's mandate

Following a process of consultations, Allies approved today Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s fifth year in office, thus extending his mandate until July 31st 2014.

01 Oct. 2012

Detecting biological weapon use

A red light comes on in the epidemiological surveillance system alarms. An abnormal increase in diarrhoea cases is reported by the Bundeswehr naval unit physician in Djibouti: 13 cases out of 70 staff in under 48 hours. The NATO Deployment Health Surveillance Capability (DHSC) confirms this information and sounds the alarm. This early warning system, patented by the Health Service of the French Army, could be added to the equipment of NATO's armed forces and detect the use of a biological weapon. Code name: ASTER.

01 Oct. 2012

Monthly press briefing by the NATO Secretary General

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen held his monthly press briefing on Monday 1 October.

28 Sep. 2012

NATO Secretary General attends change-of-command ceremony at Allied Command Transformation

French Air Force General Jean-Paul Paloméros officially assumed command of NATO's Supreme Allied Command Transformation on Friday (28 September) during a handover ceremony in Norfolk, Virginia attended by NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Alexander Vershbow, the French deputy Minister of Defence Kader Arif, Allied Permanent Representatives, the Chairman of the Military Committee General Knud Bartels, and US Admiral James A. Winnefeld, Deputy Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.

27 Sep. 2012

NATO Deputy Secretary General addresses a Moscow conference on the NATO-Russia anniversaries

The Russian Foreign Ministry’s Diplomatic Academy hosted a lively international conference entitled “Russia-NATO: 15 years on the way to partnership” on 27 September 2012.