DOE / Contractor Resources

As a Department of Energy National Laboratory operated under Contract DE-AC02-07CH11358 by Iowa State University, the Ames Laboratory is required to prepare and submit various Planning and Performance documents for review and approval to the DOE.  Included herein are some of those documents that are or may be of interest to our constituents.

  • The Lab Plan is an annual document submitted to the DOE that discusses our mission, core capabilities and infrastructure.
  • The Contract is the text of the management and operating (M&O) contract between DOE and ISU.
  • Our Emergency Plan, is an internal document only.
  • The Oversight Board was created with the signing of the current Contract.  The Oversight Board has a Charter and is composed of key ISU and non-ISU administrators and scientists.
  • Under the Contract, the Ames Laboratory must provide an annual report to DOE on selected Performance Goals And Measures.
  • In September, 2009, the Ames Laboratory adopted a Scientific Strategic Plan which maps new directions for the science and technology research at the Laboratory.