United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Veterans Administration

1.0 Site Identification

Type of Site: Research and Test Reactor Facility
Location: Omaha,NE
License No.: R-57
Docket No.: 50-131
License Status: Possession Only License
Project Manager: Ted Smith

2.0 Site Status Summary

The Alan J. Blotcky Reactor Facility is a TRIGA Mark I research reactor which was operated at 20 kW thermal power, located within the Omaha Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Omaha, Nebraska.

The reactor operated from 1959 until November 5, 2001. All fuel has been removed from the site.

3.0 Major Technical or Regulatory Issues

A Decommissioning Plan (DP) has been submitted. In May 2008, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has requested the Veterans Administration (VA, the licensee) to provide additional DP information. In April 2010 the VA obtained contract support to respond NRC's questions. The VA provided a draft RAI response in November 2010. A complete RAI response is expected in early 2012.

4.0 Estimated Date For Closure


Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012