NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATO's Newsroom

small_Meetings of the NATO Foreign and Defence Ministers at NATO Headquarters, Brussels - North Atlantic Council Meeting with NATO Defence Ministers

North Atlantic Council statement on developments on the Turkish-Syrian border

03 Oct. 2012

As stated on 26 June 2012, the Alliance continues to closely follow the situation in Syria. In view of the Syrian regime’s recent aggressive acts at NATO’s southeastern border, which are a flagrant breach of international law and a clear and present danger to the security of one of its Allies, the North Atlantic Council met today, within the framework of Article 4 of the Washington Treaty, and discussed the continuous shelling of locations in Turkey adjacent to the Turkish-Syrian border by the Syrian regime forces.


small_The Secretary General of NATO, Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen at his monthly press briefing at Residence Palace

North Atlantic Council statement on the extension of the Secretary General's mandate

03 Oct. 2012

Following a process of consultations, Allies approved today Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen’s fifth year in office, thus extending his mandate until July 31st 2014.



Statement by the NATO Secretary General on Georgia's parliamentary elections

03 Oct. 2012

I congratulate the Georgian people on completing free, competitive and peaceful parliamentary elections.


ISAF Press Releases

Latest news from the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan

Reminder of the media accreditation procedures at NATO

Over the course of the year, NATO organizes meetings at different levels (defence ministers, foreign ministers, heads of state and government, etc.), which are held either at the Alliance’s Headquarters in Brussels or outside the Headquarters. The press is often invited to cover such events.
