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Metal Prices - Rare Earths

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All Chinese RMB prices are VAT included and all FOB China prices are export tax paid unless otherwise stated.

All prices were last updated on 20-Sep-12.
Prices are updated on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Chinese prices at 10:00am (GMT) and other prices at 20:00pm (GMT).

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Ce Carbonate 45% REO China 20-Sep-12 $/MT 0%
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Ce Carbonate 45% REO FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg -6.67%
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Ce Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Ce Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Ce Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt -3.17%
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Ce Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/mt 0%
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Dy Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Dy Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/kg 0%
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Dy Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Dy metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/kg -5.36%
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Eu Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/kg 0%
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Eu Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Eu Oxide 99.9% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/kg 0%
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Eu Oxide 99.9% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Ferro-dyspronium Dy 80% min EXW 20-Sep-12 RMB/kg 0%
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Ferro-dyspronium Dy 80% min FOB 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Gd Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Gd Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Gd Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt -4.31%
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Gd Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/mt 0%
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La Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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La Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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La Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt -3.23%
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La Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/mt 0%
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La Oxide 99.999% min China 20-Sep-12 $/MT 0%
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La Oxide 99.999% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Mischmetal La 35% Ce 65% China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt -2.70%
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Mischmetal La 35% Ce 65% FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Mischmetal low Zn and Mg China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Mischmetal low Zn and Mg FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Nd Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt -3.60%
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Nd Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg -3.85%
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Nd Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Nd Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/mt 0%
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Pr Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Pr Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Pr Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Pr Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/mt 0%
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Pr-Nd Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt -1.11%
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Pr-Nd Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Pr-Nd Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Pr-Nd Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/mt 0%
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Sm Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Sm Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Sm Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt 0%
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Sm Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Tb Metal 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/kg 0%
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Tb Metal 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Tb Oxide 99% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/kg -1.92%
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Tb Oxide 99% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Y Metal 99.9% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/kg 0%
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Y Metal 99.9% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/kg 0%
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Y Oxide 99.999% min China 20-Sep-12 Rmb/mt -3.85%
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Y Oxide 99.999% min FOB China 20-Sep-12 $/mt 0%
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