United States
        Environmental Protection
What is the Environmental Financial
Advisory Board?

The  Environmental  Financial  Advisory
Board   (EFAB)  is   an   independent
advisory committee  chartered in  1989
under the  Federal Advisory Committee
Act (FACA), which provides a role for the
public  to   participate  in   the  federal
government's decision-making process.
Committees  under  FACA  allow  the
government to  draw  on the expertise of
committee members, providing federal
officials  information  and advice on  a
broad range of issues affecting federal
policies and programs.
         Recent Publications

  •  Financing Clean Air Technology
    Letter (January, 2012)

  •  Voluntary Environmental
    Improvement Bond (VEIB)
    Programs: EFAB's response to the
    Federal Housing Finance Agency's
    report (May, 2011)

  Contact EPA's Center for
  Environmental Finance




  Center for Environmental Finance
  Office of the Chief Financial Officer
  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW(2731A)
  Washington, DC 20460
Who serves on the Environmental Financial Advisory Board?

The  Environmental Financial Advisory  Board's  (EFAB) members
consist  of  prominent experts  from  the finance  and  banking
communities, business and industry,  national organizations, and all
levels of government, including elected officials. The board is led by
a designated  federal  official from within EPA, selected by  EPA's
Administrator, and a chair.

Board Chair:  Vacant
Designated Federal Official: Mike Shapiro, EPA

What does the Environmental Financial Advisory Board do?

The Environmental  Financial Advisory Board (EFAB) provides EPA
with a cross-media, intergovernmental perspective on environmental
and  economic goals  while emphasizing cost-effective, risk-based
approaches and  public-private partnerships. It seeks practical ways
of lowering  costs, increasing public  and private investments,  and
building  state  and local capacity to  solve  environmental financing
challenges.  The board has made  significant contributions to EPA's
efforts to address critical environmental financing. EFAB focuses on:
Lowering costs: EFAB proposes to EPA ways to remove financial
and  programmatic  barriers that  raise the cost of environmental

Increasing  public  and  private investment:   EFAB proposes
methods of increasing  public and private investment in environmental
facilities and services.

Building state and local financial  capacity:   EFAB recommends
ways to build state and local financial  capacity necessary to carry out
environmental requirements.
EFAB  develops   an  annual
Strategic  Action Agenda based
on  EPA's strategic plans  and
goals.    The  agenda  defines
environmental  finance  themes
and sets forth specific issues for

EPA has adopted many of the
board's recommendations, con-
tained in a  variety of environ-
mental  policy  and  technical
reports and advisories.
                                                                          June 2012    EPA-190-F-12-003
