Parwan province graduates new Afghan National Police students, wants more

2012/01/03 • Comments
By Chungmin Jeong
Deputy of Korean National Police Mentor Team, Korean Provincial Reconstruction Team
Master Shin, Korean National Police mentor, teaches arresting techniques to Afghan National Police trainees, Dec. 5. (Photos by Chungmin Jeong)

Master Shin, Korean National Police mentor, teaches arresting techniques to Afghan National Police trainees, Dec. 5. (Photos by Chungmin Jeong)

PARWAN, Afghanistan“Tabrik!” (Congratulations!)

The hall filled up with thunderous clapping of hands as Brig. Gen. Maldani, chief commander of Parwan provincial Afghan National Police Headquarters, handed over a certificate to one of the graduates, who was dressed in antique sky-blue colored ANP uniform with a look of intensity but also flushed with joy.

He walked proudly across the hall and saluted as he moved toward Maldani.

During the second round of the graduation ceremony, the Ministry of Interior certified the Parwan police training course held at Parwan ANP provincial Headquarters on Dec. 15.

The training was led by the Afghan instructor team with full support from the Korean National Police mentor team and U.S. Military Police Soldiers from 164th MP company, Task Force Maverick, Headquarters, 1st Cavalry Division, Combined Joint Task Force-1.

Sgt. Shoemaker, one of the U.S. Military Police instructors, teaches Afghan National Police students how to administer first-aid to an open-leg wound, Dec. 8. (Photos by Chungmin Jeong)

Sgt. Shoemaker, one of the U.S. Military Police instructors, teaches Afghan National Police students how to administer first-aid to an open-leg wound, Dec. 8. (Photos by Chungmin Jeong)

The eight week course at the Korean Training Center in Parwan started in October with a focus on training new ANP recruits the fundamentals of law enforcement.

The course was certified by the national branch of police academy in July and has the capacity to train 40 new ANP recruits.

“There has been a big change. When we applied to ANP first time, we didn’t know anything. Now, after eight weeks, we are in the frame of police,” said Baba Jan, one of the trainees who received top honors in the final exam.


“When we saw trainees who graduated this training course, in duty as a police officer on the roads or in local villages while we were patrolling in the Parwan province, we took great delights in what we’ve accomplished,” SPC Whaley, one of the U.S. MP instructors, said. “It takes patience to train the ANP recruits due to their learning ability. But after the training is complete, and you see how dedicated the ANP recruits are, it makes all hard work that you put into the course worthwhile.”

Brig. Gen. Maldani, chief commander of Parwan provincial Afghan National Police Headquarters, salutes one of his trainees at a graduation ceremony at Parwan police headquarters, Dec. 15. (Photos by Chungmin Jeong)

Brig. Gen. Maldani, chief commander of Parwan provincial Afghan National Police Headquarters, salutes one of his trainees at a graduation ceremony at Parwan police headquarters, Dec. 15. (Photos by Chungmin Jeong)

The U.S. MP team provides 10 subjects of standard military combat techniques including counter-Improvised Explosive Devices, terrorist tactics and weapon handling, while Korean national police mentor team is in charge of 10 other subjects including police ethics, arresting techniques and use of force. The rest of subjects like police law, checkpoint regulations and close order are taught by the Afghan instructor team. The tri-national training team has a good balance with beautiful harmonization.

“Police education is essential for the development of the Parwan ANP and to better the future of our citizens and our country,” said Maldani during his congratulatory remarks at the graduation ceremony. “I really appreciate the tri-national team’s dedications and efforts,”

The Parwan police training center has plans to expand the training scope to a 100 ANP recruit capacity for police development. After the new training facility construction is completed next January at the Korean PRT base, the added recruits will help support nearby Baghlan, Kapisa and Panjsher provinces, the Ministry of Interior and NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan.

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