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National Institute of Justice (NIJ): Research, Development, Evaluation

Elder Abuse: Research Agenda

To assist the field in responding to current and emerging needs of older Americans, NIJ has established a research program focusing on elder mistreatment. Key research priorities are:
  • Identifying and evaluating forensic markers of physical and sexual abuse and neglect among the elderly. See Potential Markers to Identify Elder Mistreatment.
  • Evaluating programs designed to detect, prevent, investigate, prosecute, or otherwise redress elder mistreatment.
  • Examining risk and protective factors associated with elder mistreatment in both institutional and community settings.
  • Exploring the nature, incidence, and prevalence of elder mistreatment and establishing uniform definitions and measures.
  • Evaluating a coordinated community response to elder mistreatment.
Date Created: November 7, 2007