Tag Archives: Bullying

Giving Teachers Tools to Stop Bullying: Free Training Toolkit Now Available

Over the past three years, at our annual Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summits, we have heard the same call by educators-– teachers want to help stop bullying, but they don’t know how. Most try to help, but few receive … Continue reading

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5 Ways to Help Your Child Prevent Bullying this School Year

As children head back to the classroom, now is a great time for parents and guardians to talk with your kids about bullying. Here are five tips to help your child prevent bullying and to help them deal with bullying: … Continue reading

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What Are You Going to Do to Prevent Bullying?

Cross-posted from StopBullying.gov When I helped close the third annual Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit on Tuesday, my colleagues and I gave attendees a simple charge: what are you going to do to further bullying prevention in the next year? … Continue reading

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New Jersey Superintendent & CrimeStoppers Collaborate to Fight Bullying

The 2010 suicide of a Rutgers University student brought the issue of bullying to the forefront of the American conversation. For some states, it served as an opportunity to re-examine their existing anti-bullying laws. In response to the incident, New … Continue reading

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Coming to you Live from Washington, D.C…the Bullying Prevention Summit!

Cross-posted from StopBullying.gov. Next week, leaders of non-profit and corporate organizations engaged in anti-bullying work will join researchers, parents and students to participate in the third Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit on August 6th and 7th in Washington, D.C. The Summit … Continue reading

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LGBT Students Give Secretary Duncan Homework

While many students sign yearbooks and trade digits and Twitter handles as school closes, Secretary Arne Duncan began June on assignment: using student input to expand Department efforts to help eliminate bullying against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) … Continue reading

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Bullying Is Not a Rite of Passage—Theme of White House LGBT Safe Schools Conference

With the goal of empowering and informing advocates on the ground about the federal resources available to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) community, White House officials joined federal and local partners at the first LGBT Conference on Safe … Continue reading

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Top 5 Ways Educators Can Stop Bullies

A new documentary film, “BULLY,” follows several students to show how bullying happens in schools—and how educators often struggle to put a stop to it. A safe and supportive school climate can be one of the best tools in preventing … Continue reading

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Announcing the New StopBullying.gov

Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recently unveiled the revitalized Stop Bullying website www.stopbullying.gov. The site encourages children, parents, educators, and communities to take action to stop and prevent bullying, and provides a map … Continue reading

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A Special Message on National Gay-Straight Alliance Day

Cross-posted from the White House Blog. Since taking office, President Obama and his Administration have taken many steps to ensure that all students are safe and healthy and can learn in environments free from discrimination, bullying and harassment. Bullying is … Continue reading

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Bullying Isn’t Just “Kids Being Kids”

Later today, Secretary Duncan will join President and First Lady Obama for a White House Conference on Bullying Prevention.  As a parent, student, or educator, you may be asking yourself “why is so much attention being paid to bullying, isn’t bullying … Continue reading

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