• Avery Peak


    National Scenic Trail CT,GA,MA,MD,ME,NC,NH,NJ,NY,PA,TN,VA,VT,WV

Footpath for the People

The Appalachian Trail is a 2,184 mile long public footpath that traverses the scenic, wooded, pastoral, wild, and culturally resonant lands of the Appalachian Mountains. Conceived in 1921, built by private citizens, and completed in 1937, today the trail is managed by the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, numerous state agencies and thousands of volunteers.

Did You Know?


Threats from commercial development and concern for  recreational opportunities prompted Congress to pass the National Trails System Act in 1968.  The Appalachian National Scenic Trail was the first trail to fall under this new act.