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DEC Commissioner's Office
Environmental Permits Under Review - The Bulletin
Real-Time Air-Quality Data



Flood Response and Clean Up

The Agency of Natural Resources' main offices in Waterbury sustained heavy damage from flooding during Hurricane Irene. Our Waterbury staff will temporarily be working from alternate sites. Our Regional Offices are open. The Agency of Natural Resources has compiled information to assist citizens with flood clean up and mitigation. We hope you find this information useful.

Deborah L. Markowitz, Secretary
Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

U.S Mail:
Mail to the Waterbury offices of the Agency of Natural Resources should continue to be addressed as usual - it will be delivered to the appropriate staff. Thank you.

November 2011 - Draft Lake Memphremagog basin water quality management plan released for public comment. The draft plan concerns the waters within Vermont draining to Lake Memphremagog and for the Vermont portions of the Coaticook and Tomifobia rivers. More information, including dates of two public meetings and the deadline for comment >>

November 2011 - 2012 Vermont Governor’s Awards for Environmental Excellence - applications accepted until January 20, 2012. Program information and application: Vermont Governor's Environmental Awards >>

August 2011 - Environmental Citations (Ticketing) Rule - The Agency has received many comments regarding this proposed rule. As a consequence of these comments, the Agency has amended the rule in an effort to address concerns that were raised. Prior to moving to the next stage of the rulemaking process, the Agency is seeking additional comments on the revised rule which can be made by September 7, 2011. The rule and supporting table can be accessed using the links provided below. Comments can be sent to

July 2011 - The Natural Resources Board and the Agency of Natural Resources are beginning the process of seeking ideas for ways to improve the environmental protection process in Vermont. Examples of permit processes we are looking at include Act 250 and other land-use permits, state air and water-related permits, and other permits needed for small and large-scale projects. Our goal is to maintain the current standards and criteria so important to Vermonters and the Vermont brand. More information and to submit comments >> exiting the ANR web site

December 2010 - Vermont Surface Water Management StrategyVT Surface Water Management Strategy
Learn About Water Quality Protection in Vermont -
The Vermont Surface Water Management Strategy has been prepared to address pollutants and stressors that affect uses and values of Vermont Surface Waters. Visit the Vermont DEC Watershed Management Division web site to see the VT Surface Water Management Strategy >>

October 2010 -
Vermont ANR Launches New Climate Change Web Site

VT ANR Climate Change Web SiteThe new VTANR Climate Change web site includes information on existing initiatives in Vermont, a general background and history of climate science, Vermont's greenhouse gas emissions data, a library of climate change related materials (including the Governor's Commission on Climate Change archive), a news and events section, suggestions for what citizens can do to make a difference, and the roster of climate change team members. The web site is part of the agency's continuing effort to inform citizens about climate change, how it is likely to affect Vermont, actions to take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and ways to adapt to changes that are likely to come. See the VTANR Climate Change Web Site for more information >>

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Program Spotlight
Redevelopment of Contaminated Properties -
The Brownfields Program

Municipal Planners, Redevelopers, and Community members can benefit their communities with new uses for abandoned and substantially underutilized properties. The links on this page will give you an introduction to: the principles of brownfield redevelopment, an understanding of the RCPP statute, redevelopment success stories, application materials, and available grant sources.
For more information, please see the Waste Management Division's Brownfields Program page...


VT Governor's Awards for Environmental Excellence
2012 Vermont Governor’s Environmental Awards
Applications due by
January 20, 2012

State of Vermont Permitting & Compliance Portal
State of Vermont
Permitting & Compliance Portal

Vermont Secretary of State's Notice of Rulemaking Portal
Vermont Secretary of State's Notice of Rulemaking Portal

Vermont Ecosystem Restoration Program
Ecosystem Restoration Program

formerly Clean & Clear Center

Vermont Mercury Education & Reduction Campaign
Learn more about what the DEC is doing to reduce Mercury Pollution

Invasive Alga Didymo
Updated Didymo (a.k.a.rock snot ) website with tips for how all river users can reduce the spread of aquatic nuisance species.

EPA TSCA Chemical Inventory Website
EPA is providing free access to the consolidated Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory on its Web site.

State of Vermont
VT DEC    103 South Main Street    Waterbury, VT  05671-0401    Tele: 802-241-3808   Fax: 802-244-5141

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