Publications: Double Deuce

Double Deuce

The Double Deuce is the Naval Construction Battalion Twenty Two's (NMCB 22) bi-weekly publication published in Al Asad, Iraq.

Showing 1-8 of 8 issues.
Double Deuce - 09.01.2006

725 hits


CNO visits NMCB-22 and tours projects in Iraq; Deployed couple reunited briefly; Any day in Camp Moreell, Kuwait; The is, isn't, can't, and can do of the Operations Department; Even NSTR Is Intel; AWARDS; Out takes; ...CNO's New Year's visit...;... more
Double Deuce - 28.12.2005

517 hits


NMCB-22 Seabees share the stage with Vice President Cheney; Camp Moreell hosts CNR; Step aside, McGruff: the Navy working dogs are in town; Safety is our responsiblity; The Oasis: a visit to a sacred site; Memories and Music; The earth isn't... more
Double Deuce - 12.12.2005

410 hits


NMCB-22 builds camps and international friendships at Haditha Dam; Khaki community assembles pews for MAG-26 Group Chaplain; John W. Seabee; Seabees repair Al Asad's main water line; Crossing paths in unlikely places: former principal and student... more
Double Deuce - 29.11.2005

510 hits


From CMDCM: what we are doing here is a great thing; Coalition Forces' top NCO recognizes NMCB-22 personnel for outstanding work ethic; NMCB 22 Seabees' efforts appreciated; Phillips' visit uplifting: he's a visionary with a smile; Pride in... more
Double Deuce - 10.11.2005

624 hits


From the Skipper: Care packages mean a lot to our Seabees; Marine's legacy of self-sacrifice inspirational; Camp Moreell Seabees share 'Can Do� spirit; NMCB-22 Seabees build camps out of dust; NMCB-22 Awards Presented; ...around Al Asad...;... more
Double Deuce - 01.11.2005

492 hits


NMCB 22 repairs key bridge in Iraq; Wetdown!!; Family bible more than heirloom; ON POINT: Repairing a bridge for the people of HIT, Iraq
Double Deuce - 25.10.2005

520 hits


From th Top: Q & A with CMDCM Gilbert Jordan; FEX: Training forward for deployment; Seabee Sonnet; Mounting out: packing tons of gear in mere hours. Can Seabees do it?; Cafe Del Seabee serves over a thousand daily; ON POINT: Images from the... more
Double Deuce - 04.09.2005

429 hits


Lone Star Battalion mobilized and ready to deploy; Fromthe Top: Q & A with Capt. Steve Young; The Seabee Chaplain's Diddy; NMCB 22 SOY believes in taking care of his people; Reflections- a look from inside...
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