Public Affairs Broadcast Specialist Sergeant King

Jeremiah Minor

See how Army Reserve discipline makes Jeremiah a stronger student.

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Jeremiah Minor

See how Army Reserve discipline makes Jeremiah a stronger student.

SGT Jeremiah Minor: I'm Sergeant Jeremiah Minor. I'm a 96 Bravo, which is an Intel Analyst. On my civilian side, I'm a full-time college student. It's a pretty normal life, actually I'm just like every other student on campus.
The Army has taught me how to be a really focused individual and it helps when I need to get my schoolwork done. Outside the Army Reserve I have a lot of free time. Especially becoming a full-time student takes a lot out of your day.
On the weekends, though, I still get to hang out with friends...go to movies. One of my favorite hobbies, actually one of my jobs on the weekends is I like to DJ. I'm always having fun as a DJ. I like being a DJ. It's something that I've been doing for a long time and I'm going to keep on doing it.
The Army Reserve allows me to attend college full time because I only have my Battle Assembly once a month. I actually look forward to my Battle Assemblies. It's a lot of fun, I get to see my friends, and during that time we get to do PT. Together. PT is Physical Training.
We go, we run around, we do push-ups, sit-ups and other stretches and exercises. Because of the Army Reserve, I'm in the best shape of my life! I just love going out, hanging out with friends, having a good time. Mostly, it's just because of the Army Reserve.
The Army Reserve taught me how to be a really focused individual and it helps when I need to get my schoolwork done. I'm proud of myself. I've always been a strong individual, but without the Army Reserve I wouldn't be who I am today.
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