ANP leadership meets with civilian HR firm to discuss personnel management

2012/03/15 • Comments
by Staff Sgt. Terri Barriere
Deputy Commander-Police Public Affairs


Graeme Jackson, lead human resources advisor for Coffey International Development Company, briefs Lt. Col. Shawn Hawkins, chief of ANP HR development, and Afghan National Police leadership on Strategic Support to Ministry of Interior March 6. The firm specializes in developing organizations “post conflict,” and will look for ways to make the ANP HR department more efficient and effective.

Graeme Jackson, lead human resources advisor for Coffey International Development Company, briefs Lt. Col. Shawn Hawkins, chief of ANP HR development, and Afghan National Police leadership on Strategic Support to Ministry of Interior March 6. The firm specializes in developing organizations “post conflict,” and will look for ways to make the ANP HR department more efficient and effective.

KABUL, Afghanistan — Five officials from the Afghan Ministry of Interior sat down with representatives from an international personnel management firm to discuss the way ahead for Afghan National Police personnel March 6.

Graeme Jackson, lead human resources advisor for Coffey International Development, said the firm specializes in developing organizations “post conflict,” and will rely on the expertise of their consultants to correct some of the deficiencies within the ANP.

“Improving the public trust in the Afghan National Police is an essential component of building the legitimacy of the government of Afghanistan ahead of transition in 2014,” he said. “The Strategic Support to Ministry of Interior project is designed to help the MOI plan for, resource and hold to account ANP through enhanced leadership, policy implementation and administrative capacity.”

Jackson said the two-hour meeting was a follow-up to discuss a change management strategy and the approach.

“Overall, I think the meeting went well,” he said. “They seem to really understand that change management has to be analytical and strategic … you have to look at the whole thing not pieces.”

According to Lt. Col. Shawn Hawkins, chief of ANP HR development, Coffey had previously worked on organizational development in the Afghan civil service, and were brought in to fix some of the personnel problems in the uniform police too.

Hawkins said the firm will work with coalition and ANP leadership to identify the HR challenges and solutions, and implement training once approved.

Among the challenges Coffey will work on are the ANP personnel manning shortfalls, communication between headquarters and the districts and timeliness.

Jackson said the analysis phase should take a couple of months to complete.

As a result of the completed process, Jackson said the ANP should have a more effective and efficient human resources function.

“We want to leave the Ministry of Interior with the right people, in the right place at the right time helping to achieve the strategy of the organization,” Jackson said.

Jackson said improving the process should also create an overall more motivated staff.

“The response we’ve gotten so far from the ANP leadership is positive,” he said. “They are receptive and enthusiastic and excited to start making changes.”

Brig. Gen. Mohammad Akbar, deputy chief of ANP personnel department, said the information provided by the company will be implemented into their daily work via changed policies, processes and strategies.

“I’m hopeful for a positive outcome,” Akbar said. “Our international friends came here and shared their information and experiences with us to help make our future bright.

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