Biometrics Institute


Our mission is to be a forum for biometric users and other interested parties and

to facilitate the responsible use of biometrics


Biometrics Institute Technology Exhibition

27 November 2008, Hotel Realm, Canberra, Australia


Access information

The Biometrics Institute is the independent not-for-profit user group with currently 117 member organisations. We also welcome vendors amongst the membership. The Biometrics Institute is based in Australia but represents organisations from Australia, New Zealand and beyond.


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If you have any feedback or questions on this site, please contact the webmaster.

Biometrics Institute Privacy Code

Biometrics Vulnerability Assessment Service

Biometrics Institute Technology Exhibition 
27-28 November 2008

FREE Member Meetings 
25 Sept 2008 (Melbourne)
26 Sept 2008 (Wellington)
16 Oct 2008 (Brisbane)

Training in Biometrics

Discounted Subscription to Online Frost & Sullivan Biometrics Reports

Over 110 Biometrics Institute Members to date!

Biometrics Institute shortlisted as Australian Privacy Awards 2008 Finalist - Community and NGO Category



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