Tax Free Fuel Sales Eligibility

The Exchange has one direct-operated gas station in Schinnen that sells super, super plus and diesel bulk gas. Gasoline coupons can be used at selected Esso stations throughout the Netherlands. The regulation that governs the sale of tax-free fuel is AE Regulation 550-35, Regulations on Personal Property, Local Currency, and Motor Vehicles for U.S. Personnel dated January 2009.

For Personnel stationed in the Netherlands:

Each person who owns a POV must register it with the JFC HQ vehicle registration office according to JFCBD 5-9. Personnel who registered a vehicle are allowed to purchase fuel at either the Exchange direct-operated gas station in Schinnen or can buy fuel coupons for use at selected Esso stations in the Netherlands. Ration allowance is based on vehicle horsepower as stated in Table 1, 2, 3 and 4 in AR Regulation 550-35.

For Personnel traveling into the Netherlands from Germany:

  • Complete AE Form 600-17 A dated Feb 09, Supplemental Ration Request Form. The maximum allowance per month is 200 liters. Your Supervisor or Commander must sign the form prior to your departure to the Netherlands.
  • Take your ID card and copies of your TDY orders, Leave Orders or Pass and rental contract or vehicle registration documentation and the Supplemental Ration Request Form to the Schinnen MP station. You will be issued AE Form 550-35B, Short-Term Registration that allows you to purchase fuel coupons at one of the three Exchange Retail Stores in the Netherlands.