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Telework Training

Table of Contents

Introduction This course meets the requirements of the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 to provide telework training to all GSA employees. The training covers our mobility and telework policy and explains our cultural transformation for supervisors to manage by results, not physical presence. It promotes enhanced customer relationships, a stronger work/life balance, and the sustainability of a telework program.

Chapter 1: Our Transforming World Our world is increasingly mobile. The federal government must respond by modernizing its work practices, and we're leading the way.

Chapter 2: Our Extreme Challenge Telework and other flexible workloads allow space to be consolidated, which helps agencies reduce carbon footprints, minimize travel costs, foster teamwork, and focus on performance outcomes.

Chapter 3: Changing Culture at GSA Our mobility and telework policy promotes changing our culture. It supports the greatest degree of flexibility and embraces all flexible work modes: telework, mobile work, satellite or remote work, and alternative officing.

Chapter 4: Enhancing Customer Service When employees have expanded flexibility and robust communication tools, they can serve customers without interruption and continue operations, even during emergencies or inclement weather.

Chapter 5: Telework Language Different work modes are often confused with telework. Legalities concerning employee protections and reimbursements vary according to work modes.

Chapter 6: Telework Eligibility Most of you are eligible to telework. Legislation defines two situations that would make you permanently ineligible to telework and defines two situations that would make a job position ineligible for telework.

Chapter 7: Telework is Optional Telework or participation in a form of alternative officing is not mandatory, except for in certain emergency situations.

Chapter 8: Telework Schedule Instead of reporting strict teleworking schedules, managers and teams must communicate about workflow to determine flexible schedules and timekeeping procedures that maximize productivity.

Chapter 9: Work Sites Alternative work sites must meet specific requirements and should be prepared before an employee teleworks.

Chapter 10: Alternative Officing Alternative officing lets you be productive while moving around and being flexible, even within a GSA facility.

Chapter 11: Telework as a Team Sport Managers and teams work together to establish teleworking norms.

Chapter 12: Manage Flexibility While working in a flexible physical environment, you're in official work status, and you must manage distractions and use collaboration tools effectively.

Chapter 13: Telework with Technology While we provide you with a computer that you can use for telework, you can use your personal equipment as long as it has Internet access with adequate security.

Chapter 14: Managing a Mobile Workforce Teleworking calls for a new form of management. Managers must treat office workers and teleworkers equally, recognizing that workers thrive within different levels of structure and engagement.

Chapter 15: Measuring Telework The GSA Telework Dashboard tracks participation and greenhouse gas emissions savings by service and region, maintaining compliance with the 2010 Telework Enhancement Act.


Telework training