Last ANP class graduates at TSS Shaheen

2012/07/24 • Comments
Story and photos by U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. James Bolinger
Regional Support Command-North Public Affairs




Afghan National Police trainees stand in formation before a pass and review during their graduation ceremony July 12 at Training Support Center Shaheen, Balkh Province.

Afghan National Police trainees stand in formation before a pass and review during their graduation ceremony July 12 at Training Support Center Shaheen, Balkh Province.

CAMP MIKE SPANN, Afghanistan – More than 30 Afghan National Police completed basic training at Training Support Center Shaheen, Balkh Province, July 12.

The 32 students are the final ANP class to graduate from the training center at TSS Shaheen, which was run by the Swedish Uniform Police Training Team until May. After the Swedes redeployed, Afghan Uniform Police continued the training.

“This marks an important transition milestone for the ANP,” said Col. Ted Donnelly, the Regional Support Command – North commander. “Since 2009, more than 2,000 ANP personnel have been trained at TSS Shaheen. Now, as the Afghan National Police have become more proficient at training their own personnel, the temporary Regional Training Centers have become unnecessary.”

The Afghan cadre and command team have assumed roles at a German Police Training Center at Mazar-e-Sharif and the Shaheen site is scheduled to be demilitarized by the end of year.

The site which was opened as a temporary training location to support a surge in recruitment joins many other facilities across RSC-North that have been closed or transitioned to Afghan control.

A graduation of the Afghan National Police training center at Training Support Center Shaheen, Balkh Province, shows off his certificate of completion July 12 during a ceremony.

A graduation of the Afghan National Police training center at Training Support Center Shaheen, Balkh Province, shows off his certificate of completion July 12 during a ceremony.



“RSC-N and NTM-A continue to have a vitally important mission in northern Afghanistan,” said Donnelly about the hands off approach of NTM-A members. “We will continue to work with our ANSF partners on training, infrastructure, logistics, and sustainment. We continually update our partnership programs as ANSF units achieve higher capabilities milestones.”

NTM-A is a coalition of 38 troop-contributing nations charged with assisting the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in generating a capable and sustainable Afghan National Security Force ready to take lead of their country’s security by 2014. For more information about NTM-A, visit

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