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State and Local Wildland Firefighters

Working closely with the USDA's Forest Service, GSA offers a wide range of firefighting products to state and local agencies. GSA furnishes wildland fire protection equipment and supplies to state, local and other cooperating agencies.

Currently, GSA stocks approximately 250 fire items, including:

  • Water handling equipment
  • Sleeping bags and field packs
  • Fire line tools and chainsaw chaps
  • Canteens, goggles and gloves
  • Fire shelters and protective clothing

New Customers Note:  The file Instructions for State and Local Fire Customers provides a brief overview of key concepts of interest to new state and local users of GSA's Wildland Fire program.  Learn about payment methods, ordering options and how best to use GSA's online resources.

State and local organizations wishing to purchase wildland fire supplies from GSA must first enter into a cooperative agreement, thereby obtaining "sponsorship," from their state. It is the decision of the State Forester and ultimately the Forest Service to grant sponsorship to a requesting organization.

The cooperative agreement must be approved prior to assignment of an Activity Address Code (AAC). Once the AAC is requested by the Forest Service and assigned by GSA, the state or local customer is authorized to buy directly from GSA.

The first step in obtaining such an agreement is to contact the state's Federal Excess Personal Property (FEPP) program coordinator.

Note on GSA Advantage!®
State and local wildland fire customers registering on GSA Advantage!® for the first time will see that the site directs state and local entities to a separate registration form (upon clicking on the “State Government” option). If you register as a “State Government,” you will only be able to place online orders from select Multiple Award Schedule programs open to state and local governments under Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery.

In order to place online orders for items in the GSA Wildland Fire Program, you need to register as a Federal agency. Select the Department of Agriculture as the agency and the Forest Service as the bureau. After that you will be able to place orders online for the wildland fire supplies in the GSA Wildland Fire Program using your Activity Address Code.

If you wish to also purchase online from the Cooperative Purchasing or Disaster Recovery programs using your state/local credit card, you can open an additional GSA Advantage account using a different email address. In this case, you would register as a State Government and would be able to purchase online with your purchase card (Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery). You would then have two GSA Advantage accounts; one using your AAC to purchase wildland fire program items (GSA Global Supply) and one to purchase Cooperative Purchasing or Disaster Recovery program items using your purchase card.

Additional information regarding the Cooperative Purchasing and Disaster Recovery programs is available at Programs for State and Local Governments.

Name Format Size Publish Date
GSA Fire Support Overview of GSA support to non-federal firefighters Word 16k 8/30/2011

Wildland, fire, state, local, instructions, GSA Advantage, cooperative