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Sunday, October 7, 2012
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Section 508 Roles - Person With a Disability

Section 508 will open many more doors to information for people with disabilities. While all stakeholders, Federal agencies, industry representatives, and, most certainly, people with disabilities are interested in a rapid implementation of Section 508, it is recognized that the product development lifecycle and other product development issues may make implementation occur on a slower timeline than hoped.

If you are a Federal employee with a disability, or a member of the public requiring access to public information, we ask you to work with the Federal agencies to help meet your needs. Test the available systems and information dissemination mechanisms to ensure that the Federal government is providing information in accessible formats, that new web sites are accessible, and the other EIT being procured by the government is accessible to you. Check with your Section 508 Coordinator to see how you can help implement Section 508 within your agency, offer suggestions and alternative solutions when you can. Under Section 508, each agency develops procedures for handling Section 508 complaints. This represents your first opportunity to solve the problem. Contact the agency's Section 508 Coordinator and ask to whom and how you register a Section 508 complaint.

For specific inquiries regarding benefits and programs, is a great place to start.

A Guide to Transitioning to Windows 7 for People with Disabilities
(From "Transitioning to a new operating system is challenging, particularly for people with disabilities who rely on important accessibility features. People tend to grow comfortable with their current operating system and resist upgrading. However, not upgrading to Windows 7 means missing out on the many compelling features that help make this version of Windows fast, easy to use, easy to customize, and accessible."

Access Board Training
Section 508 Tutorial: Developing Accessible Software

Accessible Conferencing/Media
Links for Accessible Conferencing/Media sites.

A one-stop interagency portal for information on Federal programs, services, and resources for people with disabilities, their families, employers, service providers, and other community members.

HiSoftware Accessibility Training
Many of our customers come to HiSoftware to meet their training needs for our products and accessibility. HiSoftware offers several professional training courses designed for improving your general understanding of Web accessibility.

Information Technology Technical Assistance And Training Center (ITTATC)
The ITTATC promotes the development of accessible electronic and information technology by providing technical assistance, training and information.

National Association of the Deaf
NAD is a national consumer organization representing people who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Project Able, WV Rehabilitation Research Training Center
The Project Enable/Dial-JAN bulletin board system provides information on disability, rehabilitation, employment and education. Project Enable houses over 150 special interest discussion groups over 5,000 files, and a number of searchable information bases.

SAMHSA’s Section 508
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration, an agency of Health and Human Services) Division of Technology Management (DTM) Section 508 Briefing Schedule

US Patent and Trademark Office
The US Patent and Trademark Office is offering free courses for Section 508 in 2010.