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Accessible Conferencing/Media

The TAP Bulletin - a monthly publication of the RESNA (Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America) Technical Assistance Project. This publication outlines some basic considerations when arranging Accessible Meetings.

"Access for All, Helping to make participatory processes accessible for everyone,"
( Assembled by Ingrid Lewis, Save the Children. Adobe Acrobat file available for download or reading online.

A Guide To Planning Accessible Meetings - this resource has been compiled by June Isaacson Kailes and Darrell Jones for the Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) program of The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research (TIRR).

Resource Directories - from The Library of Congress’ National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS). This site provide plain text document listings of libraries and other resources for the visually-impaired.

Large Print and Low Vision Resource Network

Duxbury Systems 2000
Offers an extensive listing of Braille resources.(

CSUN'S Sixteenth Annual International Conference "Technology and Persons with Disabilities" Conference Proceedings. Archived conference proceedings on many different assistive technologies.

Publishing Accessible WWW Presentations from PowerPoint slide Presentations (

WGBH Caption Center Online
Resources and information on captioning.(